
来源 :中国商法年刊 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiaosongshu2009
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一、企业重整的价值取向企业重整作为一种法律制度,其价值主要在于维护公平价值、实现效率价值和保护社会整体利益,其中维护公平价值又体现为重整对债权人和债务人进行的利益保护与协调,使各方利益得到公平地维护和实现。第一,维护债权人利益。债权人是企业重整的利益受威胁者也是重整失败的风险承担者,因此,债权人利益是企业重整应该考虑的重要因素。各国重整立法均将债权人作为维持企业存续的受益人,为债权人的清偿利益提供一定保障。例如美国1978年《破产法》第1123条和第1 126条关于债权人债权利益安排的规定,英国1986年《无力偿债法》第4条债权人对债权人会议决定影响的内容,德国1994年《破产法》第244条规定了债权人接受重整计划的条件,我国2006年《中华人民 First, the value orientation of the enterprise restructuring As a legal system, the value of the enterprise restructuring mainly lies in maintaining the fair value, realizing the efficiency value and protecting the overall interests of the society. The maintenance of the fair value is also reflected in the interests of creditors and debtors Protect and coordinate so that the interests of all parties are fairly protected and realized. First, safeguard the interests of creditors. Creditors are the risk-rescues of corporate restructuring and the risk-bearers of restructuring failure. Therefore, the interests of creditors are an important factor that should be considered in corporate restructuring. Restructuring legislation in all countries regard the creditors as the beneficiaries of the survival of the enterprises and provide some protection for the creditors’ interests to pay off. Such as the provisions of Articles 1123 and 1 126 of the U.S. Bankruptcy Code of 1978 on the arrangements for the claims of creditors, the effect of Article 4 creditors’ claims on the decisions of creditors in the British Insolvency Act 1986, the “bankruptcy” of Germany in 1994 Article 244 of the Law sets forth the conditions for creditors to accept the plan of reorganization. In 2006, "the Chinese people
有关不同条件下胚芽鞘如何生长的问题,是考查学生辨证思维的好题材,又是高考的一个重要考点。笔者在教学中发现,有很多学生对这一类问题常常感到晕头转向,甚至束手无 The qu
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对照2007年和今年的人教A版选修1-2《独立性检验的基本思想及其初步应用》课本有一些思考和感悟.  首先列出课程标准对这一部分的要求:  (1) 通过对典型案例(如“肺癌与吸烟有关吗”等)的探究,了解独立性检验(只要求2×2列联表)的基本思想、方法及初步应用.  (2) 通过对典型案例(如“质量控制”“新药是否有效”等)的探究,了解实际推断原理和假设检验的基本思想、方法及初步应用(参见例1).