
来源 :云南消防 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhouyong
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2002年1月23~25日,公安部消防局副局长李世雄少将一行3人,到云南省检查春节消防安全保卫工作,看望慰问基层官兵。23日下午,李副局长一行不顾一路风尘,一下飞机就听取了云南省公安消防总队和昆明市公安消防支队的工作汇报。听取汇报后,李副局长指出,去年云南省工作成绩 From January 23 to January 25, 2002, Major General Li Shixiong, deputy director of the Fire Department of the Ministry of Public Security, went to Yunnan Province to inspect the fire safety and security work during the Spring Festival and visited and cheered grassroots officers and soldiers. On the afternoon of the 23rd, Deputy Director Li and his party disregarded the dust and dust and heard about the work report of the Yunnan Provincial Public Security Fire Brigade and the Public Security Fire Brigade in Kunming. After hearing the report, Deputy Director Li pointed out the achievements of Yunnan Province last year
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这是一场生与死的较量,这是一次血与火的考验,这是一幕感人肺腑的壮歌,这是一个讲述消防队员赴汤蹈火的故事。 2002年1月20日晚,宁夏回族自治区银川新城区新业歌舞厅突然着火
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七里河区位于甘肃省兰州市中 南部,是一个典型的城郊型区域经济 区,也是消防执法比较薄弱的地区。 2000年,全区发生火灾111起,经济 损失87万余元,其中发生在非消防 安全重点
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