Wuhan Textile University Prof.Lin Ziwu

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  China Textile: What do you think about the main advantage and disadvantage of domestic and imported textile machinery?
  Lin Ziwu: The main advantage of the domestic textile machinery is low price, which can meet the needs of enterprise production, with convenient supply of machine parts and timely after-sales service. In spite of the great improvement of domestic textile machinery in automation, stability and reliability, there is still a certain gap with the imported textile machinery. Therefore, from the comprehensive point of view of engineering economics, domestic textile machinery can’t match imported one in terms of employment and high quality and yield.
  Here is an example. Two years ago, I was invited to Kotawa (Xiangyang) Textile Co., Ltd. to participate in selection and demonstration of first-stage project (30 thousand spindles) of the new 100 thousand spindles of cotton spinning; with analysis of various internal and external cases, many experts and business executives finally selected 30 thousand sets of complete spinning equipment of Rieter Group, with high degree of automation, stable and reliable performance, and less maintenance cost, rather than the best domestic equipment. And also low cost of raw material consumption and low labor provide a reliable guarantee for high quality and low consumption, while the price is only 23% higher than the best similar one in domestic.
  China Textile: what are the future trends of textile machinery?
  Lin Ziwu: The general trends of textile machinery are short process, modular structure and intelligentized operation, less labor and unmanned machining. Here is a brief look of cotton yarn production line.
  Different levels of cotton bags enter the field by intelligent identification conveyor belt → blending cotton flowing through many efficient foreign fiber clearing device (not in dependent area, but attached to the pipe like condenser) → flexible and strong shaking to open cotton (replace the current porcupine opening with minimum damage to fiber and short fiber in cotton layer, to greatly reduce the bur- den of carding in the subsequent process)→ intelligent carding machine to output non-single sliver in accordance with the length of fiber (longer fiber can be input drawing process as cotton semi-combed sliver, with no need of combing) → nonsingle sliver to efficient and intelligent lap former by automatic conveyor (can be separately combined according to the length of fiber sliver) → intelligent combing →intelligent drawing frame → drawn sliver to roving machine by automatic conveyor→ automatic transmission to spinning machine (intelligent spinning machine with double automatic machines of automatic repiecing and tieing) → automatic winder. All processes are closely linked, making an expected whole process with current blowing-carding, roving-spinning winder.   China Textile: Will you participate in the textile machinery exhibition this year? Big harvest?
  Lin Ziwu: Yes, I will. Textile machinery exhibition is a platform for the latest achievements of human textile culture and technological process in physical form, making people directly feel social progress and development. I can not only enjoy the new generation of textile machinery, but also hear the advanced footsteps of modern textile under the background of Chinese Dream, which is the main purpose to participate in the exhibition.
  I can obtain great harvest at each exhibition, main of which can be divided into three aspects. First, to understand the latest development in technology of domestic and foreign textile machinery, and to get textile information on the CD and paper, which plays an important role for the demonstration in textile industrial park of cotton and wool with 2 million spindles in more than 30 years. I have classified these information into eleven parts of cotton and wool, knitting, dyeing and printing, garment, tech-textile and so on, and scan valuable paper information into electronic text, which is not only used for the demonstration, but also as the material for the 13 books I will edit. I really cherish the information.
  Secondly, I get to know many professions in research and development of dozens of well-known domestic and foreign exhibitors, and it has a positive role in improving my profession knowledge and academic level to communicate with them face to face. I have followed with exhibitors to visit, learn and research in their enterprises, learning many innovation and research patterns and methods. I also have the opportunity to directly explore a development scheme and seek the breakthrough of innovation paradox with designers, which not only fuses everyone’s wisdom, but also makes me express my personal insight. Enterprises attache great importance and welcome to these insights, which makes me involved in the innovation invisibly.
  Thirdly, I make friends with many technical personnel of textile enterprises, and deeply understand the successful experiences and shortcomings of the use, maintenance and repair of the equipment, which is beneficial to promote the technological progress of textile processing enterprises.
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Founded in 1937, Karl Mayer Ltd. stared to make Tricot machine after ten years. Today, the German family business leads the wrap knitting industry in the world, and also sets the standard of wrapping