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美国总统罗斯福有一句名言:不当总统就当广告人。这句话的意思是说:一位杰出广告人对世界经济的贡献,绝不亚于一位著名的美国总统。因为,现代广告与现代市场相结合,已经创造出无数的世界奇迹。国际品牌的孵化器1886年约翰·彭伯顿(John StythPomberton)发明可口可乐糖浆的当年,可口可乐营业额仅为50美元,但广告费支出就已经达到46美元,占了营业额的92%。1901年可口可乐的营业额为12万美元,广告费支出也达到10万美元,占了营业额的83.3%。如今可口可乐全球广告费每年都超过6亿美元。正是依靠巨额的广告宣传,可口可乐才打开了世 US President Roosevelt has a famous saying: improper president as an advertiser. The meaning of this sentence is to say: An outstanding advertising person contributes no less than the famous U.S. president to the world economy. Because modern advertising combined with the modern market has created countless wonders of the world. International Brand Incubator In 1886, when John Stythomberton invented Coca-Cola syrup, Coca-Cola generated a turnover of only US $ 50, but advertising expenses had reached US $ 46, accounting for 92% of the turnover. 1901 Coca-Cola’s turnover of 120,000 US dollars, advertising expenses also reached 100,000 US dollars, accounting for 83.3% of turnover. Coca-Cola’s global advertising costs now exceed 600 million U.S. dollars each year. It is relying on a huge advertising, Coca-Cola was opened
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本来这身很普通,加一条复古的大串项链立刻令整体造型精彩起来,当然,项链还是选择具60年代感的简约款式为佳。运动上衣by Puma绿色休闲短裤by Mango项链by Mango Originally
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People may be quite familiar with carvings sculpted on stone,wood,bamboo,or roots.But carvings created on hundreds-year-old blackwood discovered and salvaged fr
2008年1月16日,中央电视台在新闻联播节目中,以头条位置播出了这样两条大新闻:《中国国家发改委决定启动临时价格干预措施》、《央行再次上调存款准备金率》。 On January 1