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自从党中央号召开展以粮钢为中心的增产节约运动以后,秦皇岛耀华玻璃厂党委对今年来的生产工作进行了一次检查,经过深入抓思想,反右倾,鼓干劲,加强了生产领导,在这个基础上,采取措施,抓生产条件,抓工艺操作,抓竞赛,抓小组,抓2毫米玻璃,抓引上速度和引上率,将低温作业改为高温作业,大搞高产周,从而,扭转了生产局面.到九月下旬平均引上日产量已经达到8,000箱以上,十月一日已突破了9,000箱的水平,出口玻璃日产超过了3,000多箱,2毫米玻璃比重达到50%以上,实际生产水平已经超过了上半年的平均数,生产上已经出现了一个巩固上升的局面.现在他们正乘胜前进,提出十月上半月日产水平突破9,500箱,并进一步向日产万箱进军.这个局面的形成,主要是因为这次运动有一个突出的特点,就是抓得全面,抓得扎实.他们的主要经验有以下几点: Since the party Central Committee held a production-saving campaign centered on grain and steel, the party committee of the Yaohua Glass Factory of Qinhuangdao conducted an inspection on the production work this year. After in-depth grasping of ideas, counter-rights, and dynamism, the production leadership was strengthened. Based on this foundation, we will adopt measures to grasp production conditions, grasp technological operations, grasp competitions, grasp groups, grasp 2mm glass, grasp speeds and lead rates, change low-temperature operations to high-temperature operations, and engage in high-yield weeks. The production situation was reversed. By the end of September, the average daily output had reached more than 8,000 boxes. On October 1st, it exceeded the level of 9,000 boxes. The daily output of exported glass exceeded 3,000 boxes, and the proportion of 2mm glass reached more than 50%. The actual production level has surpassed the average of the first half of the year and there has been a consolidation and increase in production. Now they are progressing with a victory. They proposed that the Nissan level exceeded 9,500 boxes in the first half of October and further advanced to the Nissan 10,000. The formation of the situation was mainly due to the outstanding characteristics of this campaign, namely, the comprehensiveness of the game and its solid grasp. Their main experience is as follows:
一、千方百计、克服困难、获得高产优质大丰收 1959年我队测区东起丹江口,西至通天河,南自虎跳江,北达秦岭山脉,遍及鄂、川、滇、黔、陕、甘、青等7省,纵横绵长达5,000多公
勘測公司西北分公司全面地超額完成了1959年生产指标,提前跨入了1960年。 1959年1~11月,該公司完成的总产值为下达指标的201.7%,比1958年同期增长107%,11个月干完了22个月的活
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