Interaction between insulin-like growth factor binding protein-related protein 1 and transforming gr

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BACKGROUND:We previously showed that insulin-like growth factor binding protein-related protein 1(IGFBPrP1) is a novel mediator in liver fibrosis.Transforming growth factor beta 1(TGFβ1) is known as the strongest effector of liver fibrosis.Therefore,we aimed to investigate the detailed interaction between IGFBPrP1 and TGFβ1 in primary hepatic stellate cells(HSCs).METHODS:We overexpressed TGFβ1 or IGFBPrP1 and inhibited TGFβ1 expression in primary HSCs for 6,12,24,48,72,and 96 hours to investigate their interaction and observe the accompanying expressions of α-smooth muscle actin(α-SMA),collagen I,fibronectin,and phosphorylated-mothers against decapentaplegic homolog 2/3(p-Smad2/3).RESULTS:We found that the adenovirus vector encoding the TGFβ1 gene(Ad TGFβ1) induced IGFBPrP1 expression while that of α-SMA,collagen I,fibronectin,and TGFβ1 increased gradually.Concomitantly,Ad IGFBPrP1 upregulated TGFβ1,α-SMA,collagen I,fibronectin,and p-Smad2/3 in a time-dependent manner while IGFBPrP1 expression was decreased at 96 hours.Inhibition of TGFβ1 expression reduced the IGFBPrP1-stimulated expression of α-SMA,collagen I,fibronectin,and p-Smad2/3.CONCLUSIONS:These findings for the first time suggest the existence of a possible mutually regulation between IGFBPrP1 and TGFβ1,which likely accelerates liver fibrosis progression.Furthermore,IGFBPrP1 likely participates in liver fibrosis in a TGFβ1-depedent manner,and may act as an upstream regulatory factor of TGFβ1 in the Smad pathway. BACKGROUND: We previously showed that insulin-like growth factor binding protein-related protein 1 (IGFBPrP1) is a novel mediator in liver fibrosis. Transforming growth factor beta 1 (TGFβ1) is known as the strongest effector of liver fibrosis.Therefore, we aimed to investigate the detailed interaction between IGFBPrP1 and TGFβ1 in primary hepatic stellate cells (HSCs). METHODS: We overexpressed TGFβ1 or IGFBPrP1 and inhibited TGFβ1 expression in primary HSCs for 6, 12, 24, 48, 72, and 96 hours to investigate their interaction and observe the accompanying expressions of α-smooth muscle actin (α-SMA), collagen I, fibronectin, and phosphorylated-mothers against decapentaplegic homolog 2/3 (p-Smad2 / 3) .RESULTS: We found that the adenovirus vector encoding the TGFβ1 gene (Ad TGFβ1) induced IGFBPrP1 expression while that of α-SMA, collagen I, fibronectin, and TGFβ1 increased gradually. Concomitantly, Ad IGFBPrP1 upregulated TGFβ1, α-SMA, collagen I, fibronectin, and p-Smad2 / 3 in a time-dependent manner while IGFBPrP1 expression was decreased at 96 hours. Inhibition of TGFβ1 expression reduced the IGFBPrP1-stimulated expression of α-SMA, collagen I, fibronectin, and p-Smad2 / 3. CONCLUSIONS: These findings for the first time suggest the existence of a possible mutually regulation between IGFBPrP1 and TGFβ1, which likely accelerates liver fibrosis progression.Furthermore, IGFBPrP1 likely participates in liver fibrosis in a TGFβ1-depedent manner, and may act as an upstream regulatory factor of TGFβ1 in the Smad pathway.
2013年7月,国内首家母乳库正式接收到第一笔赞助基金,这笔资金将主要用作早产儿、术后婴儿、化疗婴儿以及重症患儿的治疗工作。该基金的创始人之一徐靓由衷地表示,这笔资金将会为我国三十多万此类儿童提供各种救治,其产生的多种效益将不可估量。  鲜为人知的是,徐靓还是国内母乳库捐赠的第一人,作为“NO.1”的她不仅启动了这项造福于千万家的大型公益工程,还填补了多项国内空白。正如她在接受采访时所谈到的:“母
1  我老公张理不姓贾,但却有个叫我很不舒服的外号——“贾宝玉”。我们经媒人介绍认识,他模样不错,嘴巴乖巧,洗衣做饭都积极,是个标准的好丈夫,就是略有些娘气。媒人说:“这样好的男人,如果不是我名花有主,是不会便宜给你的。”  张理确实讨女人喜欢,我们举办婚礼时,跑来一大群女人帮忙。他仿佛大观园里的贾宝玉,被一群女人“宠”着。他和女人们开着玩笑,推着搡着,亲如“姐妹”。  我冷眼旁观,插不进话,感觉
倾城:  你好!  我心里有了一个人,他原是我单位的领导,比我大半句,是个严谨、有事业心的男人。  几年前的春节,我写了张贺卡寄给他,词语无非是下属对领导的感激和仰慕等等。他收到后给我发了条信息,说请我吃饭。随着交往的增加,我们慢慢有了感情。  我们都各自有家室,但他对我极好。他不轻易承诺,却和我说了多次要明媒正娶我做他的妻子。  在他之前,单位有一个小我十几岁的男孩喜欢我,我因为感情空虚,半推半
十年寒窗苦读,刘敏终于修成正果,以优异的成绩毕业于某知名度不是很高的大学化工系。但是,她心里并没有太多的放松。她充分意识到,自己已经失去了学校这个十多年的有力保护伞,外面的世界很精彩,但外面的世界也很无奈,毕竟现在就业压力太大,想找个满意的工作太难了。  这天,她从网上看到国内一家著名的医疗公司举行校园招聘会,只是招聘条件有点苛刻,要求应聘者名牌大学毕业或者拥有硕士学历。因此,她有点犹豫不定。父亲
《编辑之友》期刊今年五月份搞了一次专家问卷调查 ,对象是全国出版界不同层面的几十位代表人物 ,问题只有四个 :你对刊物总的评价 ;你认为刊物的成功之处 ;你认为刊物的不足