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那是2004年的“全国两会”期间,他向全国政协会议提交了“茶为国饮”的提案。提案中,美丽的字里行间,有缕缕茶香力透纸背——茶,产于中国,源远流长;茶文化,绚丽灿烂,博大精深。绵绵数千年茶史,演绎出众多名人茶事,留下了无数茶文化胜迹。如今,茶文化热正在祖国各地蓬勃兴起,孙中山先生关于“茶为国饮”的倡议正越来越成为社会的共识,提倡“国饮”、弘扬中华茶文化的呼声日益高涨。在我国全面建设小康社会的今天,重提“茶为国饮”有着新时期的意义和作用。农业部办公厅对他的提案作了答复,全力支持“茶为国饮”。中华全国供销合作总社专门复函,表示与国家有关部门一道共同推动这项事业。由此,本来就爱茶、喝茶的中国人对于茶的热情空前高涨,一些和茶相关的活动在各地此起彼伏,一拨接着一拨,连绵不断,各类媒体无一不说茶道茶的,空气中充满了茶香,而那位提案人的名字也和茶香一样深入人心。 During 2004, during the “two sessions of the NPC”, he submitted a proposal for “tea as a national drink” to the CPPCC National Committee. Proposal, the beautiful words in the line, there are strands of tea through the paper back - tea, produced in China, goes back to ancient times; tea culture, brilliant, broad and profound. For thousands of years of tea history, interpretation of celebrity tea, leaving countless tea culture. Nowadays, the tea culture fever is booming throughout the motherland. The proposal of Dr. Sun Yat-sen on “tea for the country” is becoming more and more the consensus of the society and advocating the promotion of “national drink” and the promotion of Chinese tea culture. Today, in our country building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way, it is of great significance and role to re-emphasize that “tea is the national drink”. The General Office of the Ministry of Agriculture replied to his proposal and fully supported “Tea for the National Drink.” The special reply from the China Federation of Supply and Marketing Cooperatives indicates that it will jointly promote this undertaking with the relevant state departments. As a result, Chinese people who love tea and drink tea have never been more enthusiastic about tea. Some tea-related activities are breaking out in different places. The air was full of tea, and the name of the sponsor was as popular as tea.
目的 分析快速康复外科理念在食管癌围术期护理中的应用效果.方法 用2018年3月-2019年3月在院治疗的40例食管癌围术期患者进行本次研究,用数字表法均分为参照组和观察组,各20