Evolution of the Expression of Sexual Love in Chinese Mainland Films

来源 :Social Sciences in China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:binguo404
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In terms of either ontogenesis or phylogenesis, sexual love is of vital significance to mankind. It may be precisely for this reason that sexual love has been an undying topic for philosophers, ethicists, psychologists and sociologists for thousands of years. In the field of artistic creation, sexual love is also an eternal focus. The relationship between sexual love and art assumes myriad forms of multilayered intertwining and interaction, In terms of either ontogenesis or phylogenesis, sexual love is of vital significance to mankind. It may be precisely for this reason that that sexual love has been an undying topic for philosophers, ethicists, psychologists and sociologists for thousands of years. In the field of artistic creation, sexual love is also an eternal focus. The relationship between sexual love and art assumes myriad forms of multilayered intertwining and interaction,
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