
来源 :药物流行病学杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hwqcy1021
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例1,男,55岁,于2009年6月9日行右第一磨牙残冠治疗。患牙常规开髓,扩大根管后,冲洗,隔湿干燥根管后将甲醛甲酚(上海二医张江生物有限公司,批号:071020)棉球置于根管1/2处,以氧化锌丁香糊暂封,医嘱5 d后复诊。患者于封药后约30 min时自觉面部、双手发热并见潮红伴面部明显猩红色,腹泻、胸闷、呼吸困难、手眼发胀、视物模糊、头晕全身无力,即刻返回门诊就诊。体检:T 38.2℃,P96次/min,BP 140/90mmHg;患者神清配合,颈部以上、双 Example 1, male, 55 years old, on June 9, 2009 OK first molars crown treatment. Dental pulp with a regular open, after the expansion of the root canal, rinse, dry the root canal after moisture from formaldehyde cresol (Shanghai Second Medical Zhangjiang Biological Co., Ltd., batch number: 071020) cotton ball placed in the root canal 1/2 to zinc oxide Lilac paste temporary closure, doctor’s advice 5d referral. About 30 min after the closure of patients consciously facial, hands and fever see the flush with obvious facial scarlet, diarrhea, chest tightness, breathing difficulties, hand blisters, blurred vision, dizziness and general weakness, return to the clinic immediately. Physical examination: T 38.2 ℃, P96 times / min, BP 140 / 90mmHg; patients Shenqing cooperation, above the neck, double
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