
来源 :江苏林业科技 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ciscohd
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如何发展江苏林业一直是林业部门讨论的重要问题.为了给各级有关领导部门决策时提供参考,现就如何从江苏的省情出发,发挥自身优势,发展江苏林业这个问题,谈点肤浅看法.一、发挥江苏平原林业潜力大的优势,因地制宜发展林业,提高森林覆被率据全省林业普查和典型调查资料分析,全省林业用地(包括成片宜林荒山、荒滩、荒地面积,可农田林网、“四旁”植树的折实面积,可达1800万亩,其中平原林业用地就有1360多万亩,占总林业用地的78%.这便决定了江苏省林业要实行以平原林业为主,继续加强丘陵山区林业建设的发展方针.要发展平原林业,必须以稳定粮食生产为前提,以建立良好的生态环境,全面发展农村经济为目标,因地制宜,走以生态防护和林产品培育相结合的多功能,多效益的发展道路. How to develop Jiangsu forestry has always been an important issue for discussion in the forestry department. In order to provide reference for decision-making by relevant leaders at all levels, we now have a superficial view on how to develop Jiangsu’s forestry from the perspective of provincial conditions in Jiangsu Province. First, give full play to the great potential of forestry in the Jiangsu Plain, develop forestry according to local conditions, and increase the rate of forest cover According to the provincial forestry census and typical survey data of the province, the forestry land in the province (including the barren hills, wasteland and wasteland) Farmland forest net, “surrounded” tree folding area, up to 1800000 acres, of which there are more than 1360 acres of plain forestry land, accounting for 78% of the total forestry land.This will determine the implementation of forestry in Jiangsu Province to plain forestry Mainly to continue to strengthen the development policy of forestry construction in hilly and mountainous areas.In order to develop plain forestry, we must take the prerequisite of stabilizing grain production, set up a good ecological environment and the overall development of rural economy as the goal, according to local conditions, take ecological protection and forest products cultivation The combination of multi-functional, multi-benefit development path.
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