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课后习题的教学是课堂教学的重要组成部分,它是新知识的练习与巩固,是新旧知识的联系和拓展,是对学生掌握新知识情况的一个检验,也是激发学生学习兴趣和培养学生的计算能力、空间想象能力、综合分析能力、推理能力等的一个重要平台。现结合人教版《数学》一年级下册谈谈自己对部分习题的解读与教学尝试。一、深入理解,拓展提高通过深入研读教材教法,在理解教材的基础不断拓展和提高自己对教学内容的认识,可以为驾驭课堂 After-school exercises teaching is an important part of classroom teaching, it is the practice and consolidation of new knowledge, is the connection between new and old knowledge and development, is a test of students to grasp the new knowledge, but also to stimulate students interest in learning and students Computing power, spatial imagination, comprehensive analysis capabilities, reasoning ability, an important platform. Now combined with the PEP “Mathematics” the first grade of the next volume to talk about their own part of the problem of interpretation and teaching attempt. First, in-depth understanding and development to improve Through in-depth study of teaching methods, in understanding the basis of teaching materials continue to expand and improve their understanding of the teaching content, you can control the classroom
关于先天性肌性斜颈的治疗,在手术的适宜年龄,手术的方法上有一些不同意见。如一九四八年 Chandler 提出在婴儿期即切除肿块的手术方法,也有人主张初生婴儿期尽早切断挛缩的
掰bāi sh手ǒu w腕àn图(tú)中的四种活动是“儿童不宜”的,你知道为(wèi)什(shén)么(m e)吗?答案:因(yīn)为(wèi)儿童四肢(zhī)各(gè)关(guān)节(jié)囊(náng)比
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