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活动性肺结核的早期发现仍然相当困难,本文探讨采用间接血凝抑制反应(РТНГА)是否有可能测得结核患者血清中结核性抗原的最低量。作者观察了90例初治活动性结核和27例处于恶化期的结核患者;同时观察了50例非结核性疾患患者和46例健康者(对照组)。在研究РТНГА的同时,还利用间接血球凝集反应(РТНГА)和补体消耗反应(РЦК)检查受检血清中有无特异性抗体。对患者РТНГА检查结果与临床、细菌学和X线检查资料的对照结果如下:①特异性抗原检出率在各类结核病程的恶化期最高(61%);②结核性抗原检出率最高者为浸润型结核(65%);③结核性抗原检 Early detection of active tuberculosis remains quite difficult, and this article explores whether it is possible to measure the minimum amount of tuberculous antigen in the serum of patients with tuberculosis using indirect hemagglutination inhibition (РТНГА). The authors looked at 90 patients with newly diagnosed active tuberculosis and 27 patients with exacerbation of tuberculosis; 50 patients with non-tuberculous disease and 46 healthy controls (control group) were also observed. In the study of РННАА, we also used indirect hemagglutination (РТНГА) and complement depletion reaction (РЦК) to examine whether the serum was detected in the specific antibodies. The results of comparison of the results of РТНГА test with clinical, bacteriological and X-ray findings were as follows: ① The detection rate of specific antigen was the highest (61%) in all stages of TB; ② The highest detection rate of tuberculosis Infiltration of tuberculosis (65%); ③ tuberculosis antigen test
Zell am Ziller位于Ziller山谷的中心,是奥地利阿尔卑斯山地区一个广受欢迎的冬季运动区,游客在此留宿的年度记录为660,000晚。志愿者消防队的作业区有41平方公里,覆盖一条隧
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Hello,my name is Zhang Rongjian.My English name is Kelvin.I’m nine.I’m from Changshu.My hometown is very clean and beautiful.I study at Changshu Experimental