省委组织部 省委宣传部关于学习孔繁森同志模范事迹的通知

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4月7日《人民日报》发表长篇通讯,介绍了新时期领导干部的楷模、90年代的焦裕禄——孔繁森同志的无私奉献的感人事迹,4月8日中央组织部、宣传部等单位在北京组织了孔繁森事迹报告会,在广大共产党员和人民群众中引起了强烈反响。4月14日中央组织部、中央宣传部发出了开展向孔繁森同志学习活动的通知。气级党组织要按照中组部、中宣部的要求,加强对学习的组织领导,推动学习活动深入开展。孔繁森同志的模范事迹,具有鲜明的时代特点,集中体现了在新的历史条件下党的领导干部为党和人民的事业生命不息、奋斗不止的理想追求和精神风貌,体现了一个共产党员的坚强党性和崇高品德,为广大共产党员和干部树立了一个学习的好榜样。学习孔繁森同志的先进思想和模范事迹,对于深入贯彻落实党的十四届四中全会《决定》,加强领导班子思想作风建设,贯彻执行党的基本路线,促进我省的改革开放和社会主义现代化建设事业,有着重要的现实意义。学习孔繁森同志的模范事迹,要突出重点,抓住根本。着重学习他顾全大局、无私奉献的坚强党性;学习他热爱人民、服务人民的公仆情怀;学习他清正廉洁、克己奉公的高尚品德;学习他艰苦奋斗、知难而进的拼搏精神;学习他开拓进取、求真务实的优良作风;学习他坚持学习马列主义、毛泽东思想和邓小平同志建设有中国特色社会主义理论,以科学理论武装自己的头脑,确立正确 On April 7, People’s Daily published a lengthy newsletter that introduced the model of leading cadres in the new era, touching stories of selfless dedication by Comrade Kong Yu-lu and Comrade Kong Fansen in the 1990s. On April 8, the Central Organization Department and Propaganda Department visited Beijing Organized the report conference of the performance of Kong Fansen and aroused strong repercussions among the broad masses of Communists and the masses of the people. On April 14, the Central Organization Department and the Central Propaganda Department issued a circular on learning activities from Comrade Kong Fansen. Air-level party organizations should, in accordance with the requirements of the Central Organization Department and the Central Propaganda Department, strengthen their organizational leadership over learning and push forward their learning activities in depth. Comrade Kong Fansen’s exemplary deeds have distinct characteristics of the times and embody the ideal pursuit and spiritual outlook of the leading cadres of the Party under the new historical conditions for the cause of the party and the people and their endless struggle, Strong party spirit and lofty morality have set a good example for the majority of communists and cadres. Studying Comrade Kong Fansen’s advanced thinking and exemplary deeds is of great significance in thoroughly implementing the “Decision” of the Fourth Plenary Session of the 14th Central Party Committee of the Party, strengthening the ideological and work style building of the leading body, implementing the party’s basic line and promoting the reform, opening up and socialist modernization in our province Construction, has an important practical significance. To study Comrade Kong Fansen’s exemplary deeds, we must give prominence to the key points and grasp the fundamental issue. Focus on his strong party spirit of taking overall consideration of the overall situation and selfless dedication; learn from his love for the public servants who love the people and the people; learn from his noble character of being honest and self-denying; learn his hard-working and hard-working spirit of advancing with difficulties; , Seeking truth and being pragmatic and fine style of work. Studying he insisted on studying Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought and Deng Xiaoping’s theory of building socialism with Chinese characteristics, armed himself with scientific theory and established his correctness