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【新闻背景】1998年以来,为解决我国部分农村地区收听不到广播、收看不到电视的突出问题,国家广电总局会同有关部门组织实施了村村通广播电视工程,使全国已通电的行政村基本实现村村通广播电视,大大提高了我国广播电视人口覆盖率。我区先后开展了行政村通广播电视、边境建设大会战和东巴凤革命老区建设大会战村村通广播电视等农村广播电视基础设施建设,完成了近1万个村通广播电视,全区广播电视人口综合覆盖率有了较大提高。但是,受当时物质条件和技术条件的制约, [Background] Since 1998, in order to solve the prominent problems of not receiving the radio and watching TV in some rural areas of our country, the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television and other relevant departments organized and implemented the project of radio and television coverage of every village radio and television project so that the administrative villages The basic realization of village radio and television, greatly improving China’s radio and television population coverage. The district has successively carried out the construction of rural radio and television broadcasting infrastructure such as radio and television in the administrative villages through radio and television, border construction and the construction of the Dongba Feng Revolutionary Old Quarter in villages and villages and completed the construction of nearly 10,000 village radio and television stations and radio and television stations in the entire district Comprehensive coverage of radio and television population has been greatly increased. However, subject to the material conditions and technical conditions of the time constraints,
凭借电影《断背山》获得第78届奥斯卡最佳导演奖的李安,无疑成为当前最受瞩目的华人.李安祖籍江西,生于台湾屏东潮州.1973年, 他不顾父亲反对,考取了台湾国立艺专戏剧电影系,
2015’春季Royal Asscher·璐艺雅诗北京耀莱奢华品牌文化巅峰论坛暨尊享展在5月下旬如期举办。至2015年5月,耀莱巅峰论坛暨尊享展已正式走过三届时光。第三届耀莱巅峰论坛推