Calcium signaling in physiology and pathophysiology

来源 :Acta Pharmacologica Sinica | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:pjzh210427
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Calcium ions are the most ubiquitous and pluripotent cellular signaling moleculesthat control a wide variety of cellular processes.The calcium signaling system isrepresented by a relatively limited number of highly conserved transporters andchannels,which execute Ca~(2+)movements across biological membranes and bymany thousands of Ca~(2+)-sensitive effectors.Molecular cascades,responsible forthe generation of calcium signals,are tightly controlled by Ca~(2+)ions themselvesand by genetic factors,which tune the expression of different Ca~(2+)-handling mol-ecules according to adaptational requirements.Ca~(2+)ions determine normal physi-ological reactions and the development of many pathological processes. Calcium ions are the most ubiquitous and pluripotent cellular signaling molecule that controls a wide variety of cellular processes. Calcium signaling system is characterized by a relatively limited number of highly conserved transporters and channels, which execute Ca ~ (2+) movements across biological membranes and bymany thousands of Ca 2+ (2 +) - sensitive effectors. Molecular cascades, responsible forthe generation of calcium signals, are tightly controlled by Ca ~ (2+) ions and by genetic factors, which tune the expression of different Ca ~ (2 +) - Handling mol-ecules according to adaptational requirements. Ca ~ (2+) ions determine normal physi-ological reactions and the development of many pathological processes.
患者女 ,74岁。因偶然发现右胸壁肿块而就诊。查体 :于右侧乳腺外下方腋前线部位扪及一包块 ,质硬 ,位置固定 ,无压痛 ;右腋窝处扪及两个质硬结节。遂行彩超检查 :双侧乳腺未
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