
来源 :临床耳鼻咽喉头颈外科杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lzzhong9910
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食管异物是耳鼻咽喉科临床常见的急重症,如延误治疗或治疗不当常引起各种并发症,严重时可致死亡。本文通过收集近6年664例食管异物患者的资料,探讨食管异物影像学表现、并发症及治疗方式,以期提高食管异物的诊断率和治愈率,减少并发症的发生。1临床资料664例患者,男315例,女349例;其中6岁以下193例,7~14岁8例,15~40岁53例,41~60岁172例,61岁以上238例。异物种类:食物类异物412例(62.05%),以鱼刺、鸡骨、猪骨、鸭骨、肉皮、李子核、话梅、柿子、枣核等多见;非食物类异物252例(37.95%),以硬 Esophageal foreign body is a common clinical severe otorhinolaryngology, such as delays in treatment or improper treatment often lead to various complications, severe cases can cause death. In this paper, 664 cases of esophageal foreign body in recent 6 years were collected to investigate the imaging features, complications and treatment of esophageal foreign body in order to improve the diagnosis and cure rate of esophageal foreign body and reduce the incidence of complications. 1 Clinical data 664 patients, 315 males and 349 females; of which 193 cases under 6 years of age, 8 cases of 7 to 14 years old, 53 cases of 15 to 40 years old, 172 cases of 41 to 60 years old, 238 cases of 61 years and older. The number of foreign bodies was 412 (62.05%), which was more common in fishbone, chicken bone, pork bone, duck bone, pork skin, plumule, plum, persimmon and jujube. 252 cases (37.95% ) To hard
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