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2012年6月底,为庆祝上合组织元首峰会的召开,主办者调集了中国最优秀的杰出艺术家,在国家大剧院为各国元首上演了“睦邻友好之夜”大型文艺演出。一个半小时的精彩演出中,赢得掌声最多的节目叫《武之舞》,主演就是被称之为舞蹈比赛“金奖大满贯”的青年舞蹈家覃江巍,搭档者则是青年舞蹈领军人物王亚斌。观者散去,响彻雷动的掌声还在恢弘的大剧院回响,站在舞台中央的覃江巍向记者讲述的不是自己的4枚军功章,也不是从全国“桃李杯”舞蹈比赛,到韩国首尔第二届国际舞蹈大赛,再到2009年第四届CCTV电视舞蹈大赛这些他包揽的冠军,更不是2011年,他在第九届全国舞蹈大赛上勇夺金奖。“舞蹈赋予了我很多荣耀,也有挫折,不管是顶峰还是谷底,我永远与舞台‘生死不离’。”此时的覃江巍目光闪动,仿佛还未从角色中走出。 At the end of June 2012, to celebrate the convening of the SCO summit, the organizers mobilized the best Chinese outstanding artists and staged “large-scale theatrical performances” for heads of state of all countries at the National Grand Theater. One and a half hours of wonderful performances won the applause of the most popular program called “Wu dance”, starring is known as the dance competition “Gold Grand Slam ” young dancer Tan Jiang Wei, partner is the leader of young dance Wang Yabin . Spectators dispersed, thunderous applause still magnificent Grand Theater echo, standing in the center of the stage Tan Jiang Wei told reporters not his own 4 military medal chapter, not from the national “Peach Cup” dance competition, to He won the first prize at the 2nd International Dance Competition in Seoul, Korea, and then at the 4th CCTV TV Dance Competition in 2009, not even in 2011, winning the gold medal at the Ninth National Dance Competition. “Dance gave me a lot of glory, there are setbacks, whether it is the peak or the bottom, I will always be ’inseparable’ with the stage.” At this time Tanjiang Wei eyes flashing, as if not from the character out.
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