
来源 :西南政法大学学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lanying
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目录第一章总则第二章个人独资企业的设立第三章个人独资企业的投资人及事务管理第四章个人独资企业的解散和清算第五章法律责任第六章附则第一章总则第一条为了规范个人独资企业的行为,保护个人独资企业投资人和债权人的合法权益,维护社会经济秩序,促进社会主义市场经济的发展,根据宪法,制定本法。第二条本法所称个人独资企业,是指依照本法在中国境内设立,由一个自然人投资,财产为投资人个人所有,投资人以其个人财产对企业债务承担无限责任的经营实体。第三条个人独资企业以其主要办事机构所在地为住所。 Contents Chapter I General Provisions Chapter II Establishment of Individual Proprietorship Enterprises Chapter Three Investors and Affairs Management of Individual Proprietorship Enterprises Chapter IV Dissolution and Liquidation of Individual Proprietorship Enterprises Chapter V Legal Liability Chapter VI Supplementary Provisions Chapter I General Provisions Article 1 Article 29 This law is enacted according to the Constitution in order to standardize the behavior of individual proprietorship enterprises, protect the legitimate rights and interests of investors and creditors of individual-owned enterprises, maintain the social and economic order and promote the development of the socialist market economy. Article 2 The sole proprietorship enterprise referred to in this Law means the operating entity established in China within the territory of China in accordance with this Law and invested by a natural person with the property being owned by the individual investor and the investor assuming unlimited liability for the debts of the enterprise by his personal property. Article 3 The sole proprietorship enterprise shall be the domicile of the place where its principal office is located.
公元2003年,第一代BMW X3首次亮相,作为当时世界上唯一一款紧凑型运动多功能车,X3用自己的品牌积淀及产品魅力赢得了超过50万消费者的青睐。2011年3月23日,全新BMW X3在广州
国人对于房子,似乎总有一种解不开的情结。从孟子的“居者有其屋”,到杜甫的“安得广厦千万间,大庇天下寒士俱欢颜”,再到现在的房价热议,似乎都在传达着一个信息:安居而后乐业,是从古到今每一个人的最低诉求,也是任何时代最大的民生。  大约从2003年开始,我国城市住房价格一路攀升。尤其是在北京、上海等地,几近疯狂的房价4年狂涨300%!国家发改委、国家统计局发布调查数据显示,2007年的房地产市场在调控
Objective:To extract the active component from the root of Actinidia valvata Dunn and to investigate the effects on hepatocellular carcinoma(HCC) cells in vitro