Comparative Study for Pharmacological Action of Corydalis Rhizoma before and after Processing

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Objective To clarify the rationality and to provide reasonable usage references of processed Corydalis Rhizoma(CR) in clinic by comparing respectively pharmacological actions including analgesic, anti-inflammation, antiplatelet aggregation and spasmolysis of Yuanhu Zhitong Tablet(YZT) and Yanhusuo Decoction(YD) constituted with raw CR(RCR) or processed CR(PCR). Methods The hot-board, acetic-acidinduced twisting experiments and mouse auricular swelling model by injecting xylene in the abdomen of mouse were adopted to investigate the analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects of the four formulas on Kunming mice; The experiment of contractile activity on isolated rat intestine smooth muscle on Wistar rats was applied to observing the spasmolysis effect of the four formulas; The experiments of platelet aggregation induced by ADP or collagen on Wistar rats by turbidimetry method were used to observe the anti-platelet aggregation effect of the four formulas. Results Compared with RCR in two prescriptions, PCR displayed better analgesic effect(P < 0.05, 0.01), while there was no difference on anti-inflammatory effect; Inhibition of the two prescriptions on smooth muscle spasm was presented well, and the prescription YD with PCR was remarkable(P < 0.05, 0.01); Compared with the blank group, the two prescriptions showed outstanding effects on anti-platelet aggregation(P < 0.01), but no difference between RCR and PCR in two prescriptions. Conclusion PCR can improve the analgesic effect of prescription YZT and intensify the spasmolysis effect of prescription YD, which can be explained by the Chinese medicine processing regulation. Therefore, PCR is suggested to be chosen in YZT and YD used to cure pain symptoms. Objective To clarify the rationality and to provide reasonable usage references of processed Corydalis Rhizoma (CR) in clinic bycomparing respectively pharmacological actions including analgesic, anti-inflammation, antiplatelet aggregation and spasmolysis of Yuanhu Zhitong Tablet (YZT) and Yanhusuo Decoction (YD) with raw CR (RCR) or processed CR (PCR). Methods The hot-board, acetic-acidinduced twisting experiments and mouse auricular swelling model by injecting xylene in the abdomen of mouse were investigated to the the analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects of the four formulas on Kunming mice; The experiment of contractile activity on isolated rat intestine smooth muscle on Wistar rats was applied to observing the spasmolysis effect of the four formulas; The experiments of platelet aggregation induced by ADP or collagen on Wistar rats by turbidimetry method were used to observe the anti-platelet aggregation effect of the four formulas. Results Compared with RCR in two pr escriptions, PCR displayed better analgesic effect (P <0.05, 0.01), while there was no difference on anti-inflammatory effect; Inhibition of the two prescriptions on smooth muscle spasm was well, and the prescription YD with PCR was remarkable (P < Compared with the blank group, the two prescriptions showed outstanding effects on anti-platelet aggregation (P <0.01), but no difference between RCR and PCR in two prescriptions. Conclusion PCR can improve the analgesic effect of prescription YZT and intensify the spasmolysis effect of prescription YD, which can be explained by the Chinese medicine processing regulation. Therefore, PCR is suggested to be chosen in YZT and YD used to cure pain symptoms.
【摘要】随着经济的迅速发展以及科学技术水平的不断提高,我国的电子证据取得了较大程度上的发展,为网络纠纷的解决做出了贡献。本文主要针对电子证据的重要作用、取证与审查进行研究与分析。对于电子证据来说,它与传统证据存在着一定的差异,它的缺陷为网络保全证据公证创造了条件。  【关键词】电子证据;网络公证;作用;取证;审查  一、电子证据的定义与特性  (一)电子证据的定义  电子证据,即网络证据,也被称为
摘 要 《中华人民共和国行政诉讼法》的实施,对于行政机关依法行政的监督和维护,及时正确的审理相关行政案件,保护行政相对人的合法权益起到了重要作用。但在实践过程中,该法也暴露出了许多不足之处,比如抽象行政行为不可诉的弊端日益显现,行政相对人的权益不能得到根本性的维护,导致政府诚信缺失,这些都不利于我国当前法治社会的建设和社会的稳定。本文将对抽象行政行为纳入行政诉讼受案范围的必要性和可行性进行分析和阐
持续农业是当前国际社会农业发展的新趋向 ,而耕地资源的持续利用是实现持续农业的根本保障。要达到持续农业的目的 ,必须认真贯彻“十分珍惜和合理利用每寸土地 ,切实保护耕地”的基本国策 ,必须因地制宜地加强耕地资源的管理。在 1992年土地利用现状调查及 1996年耕地变更调查的基础上 ,归纳总结出科右前旗耕地利用中存在的主要问题 ,并从土地管理的角度对耕地持续利用提出了合理化建议。
摘 要 长期以来,内部行政行为是我国行政诉讼中的真空地带,这种状况既不利于对广大公务人员合法权益的保护,也不利于行政机关职能的有效发挥。本文从能动司法理念出发,结合行政诉讼法实施二十年来的现实情况,对内部行政行为的内部状况进行了深入探析,同时从理论依据、现实需要等多方面对内部行政行为的可诉性作了分析,以期完善行政诉讼制度。  关键词 内部行政行为 控权 诉讼  作者简介:郑丽思,广东商学院2010
【摘要】在民事行政诉讼活动中,基层检察机关负责监督和维护民事以及行政法律统一正确实施。充足的民行申诉案件来源是基层检察机关做好民事行政法律监督职能的前提基础。修改后的民诉法规定,民事申诉再审程序,这造成了大量的申诉案件集中到了高级检察院的手里,而基层案件源非常少的现象。本文就基层检察院申诉案件案源少的原因进行了分析。并在此基础上提出了一点解决案件源少问题的个人见解。  【关键词】民诉法;申诉案源;
【摘要】认定劳动者与用人单位是否存在劳动关系要根据劳动者是否受用人单位的管理、指挥或监督,劳动者提供的劳动是否是用人单位业务的组成部分,用人单位是否向劳动者提供基本劳动条件,以及向劳动者支付工资等诸多因素综合认定。  【关键词】疑案;劳动关系;全日制用工  一、案例  自1996年2月起,周某即开始为某镇政府所在集镇从事环卫工作。工作职责范围主要是集镇公路养护(道路清扫、厕所清洗,另外包括菜场卫生