百年国耻祭之七──联军进城 京都悲剧

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北京沦陷后,纷至沓来的各国侵略者开始了对中国人民和清政府的总报复。联军为了所谓自身“安全”,以剿杀义和团为名,纵火炮轰。顷刻之间诸多官邪府院、寺庙民宅、城垣宫苑变为废墟,大量珍贵档案、图书化为灰烬。昔日市井繁华之地昼夜烈焰腾腾,满目疮疾。联军所到之处房屋 After the fall of Beijing, the aftermath of the aggressors in all countries started the total revenge on the Chinese people and the Qing government. For so-called “security” by itself, the coalition forces set fire to artillery bombing in the name of suppressing the Boxers. A moment between many evil government house, temple houses, Yuan Yuan palace into ruins, a large number of precious files, books into ashes. The thriving day and night marketplace in the old days, full of sore throat. The coalition went to the house
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一.概说 (一)在国民经济上的地位花生又叫落花生,和大豆一样,是含有蛋白質很多的一种作物。根据苏联作物栽培所化学实驗室的化驗:花生仁所含的化学成分,虽因落花生品种的不
油橄榄(Olea europaea L.)原产地中海一带,是一种重要的木本油料植物。1964年我所由南京植物研究所引进试种,现存三个品种,都已开花结果。近几年来我们对开花和结果的情况进
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