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2016年国家要求所有小学进行资产清查,以便知道国家硬条件投入多少,说明资产在小学运营中的重要性。我国中小学执行九年一贯制,学校承担着育人的重担。小学生在小学阶段接受初等教育,老师们借助教学设备来激发小学生学习兴趣,因此,现在的小学购买了很多教学设备,如投影仪、展台、电子白板等多媒体,微格教室、录播教室、书法教室等专用教室,设备先进,这为中小学校师生提供了良好的工作环境。所以,小学资产及其管理对实现小学办学的使命至关重要,需要加强小学的资产管理。本文在分析资产管理在我国小学实现其使命的重要性基础上,深入探讨了当前我国小学资产管理存在的问题及其成因,并针对性地提出了建立完善的固定资产管理制度、提高管理人员的业务水平、学校资产要清查报废、树立与倡导爱护校园公共财产等完善小学资产管理的对策措施。 In 2016, the country demanded that all primary schools carry out an inventory of assets in order to know how much national hard conditions have been invested in, indicating the importance of assets in primary school operations. Our primary and secondary schools implement the system of nine years, the school bear the burden of educating people. Primary school pupils receive elementary education at primary school. Teachers use their teaching aids to arouse the interest of primary school students. As a result, primary schools have purchased many teaching facilities such as projectors, exhibition stands, electronic whiteboards, microphones, recording and broadcasting classrooms, calligraphy Classrooms and other special classrooms, advanced equipment, which provides primary and secondary school teachers and students a good working environment. Therefore, primary school assets and their management are crucial for realizing the mission of primary school education and there is a need to strengthen primary school asset management. Based on the analysis of the importance of asset management in our country’s primary school to realize its mission, this paper discusses in depth the existing problems and causes of primary school asset management in our country, and puts forward the suggestion of setting up perfect fixed asset management system and improving the management staff The level of business, school assets should be inventory scrapped, to establish and advocate the protection of public property on campus and other primary school asset management measures.