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云南引种蓝桉已有近百年历史。由于蓝桉生长快,叶可炼桉油,经济价值高,近年在我省已广泛地发展起来。但从全省来看,成龄蓝桉树较少,并且绝大多数分布于四旁,它们是我省蓝桉引种历史的见证,也是现今大力发展蓝按所需种子的来源,应大力加以保护。可是,由于桉油价格高,一些地方的群众重油轻材,重眼前利益轻长远利益,不按科学方法采摘桉叶,四旁所植的成龄蓝桉树,往往被采摘得只剩树干,造成营养不足,病虫害滋生而逐渐枯死。许多蓝桉幼树,由于过度采叶而成小老头树,长得弯弯扭扭,体弱多病。这样做的后果,既影响四旁周围的环境,影响荒山绿化进程,影响森林生态功能的发挥,又影响所采种子的质量和数量。特别不能容忍的是,我省林业科研部门花了很大的财力、人 Yunnan has introduced Eucalyptus nearly a hundred years of history. Due to the rapid growth of blue eucalyptus, eucalyptus leaves can refine oil, high economic value, in our province in recent years has been widely developed. However, from the point of view of the whole province, there are fewer mature blue eucalypts and most of them are distributed on four sides. They are the witness of the introduction history of Eucalyptus grandiflora in our province and also the source of vigorously developing blue according to the needed seeds. However, due to the high price of eucalyptus oil, the heavy oil light materials in some places weigh the immediate interests of light and long-term interests and do not pick eucalyptus leaves according to scientific methods. The evergreen blue eucalyptus trees planted on four sides are often picked and left with only trunk Inadequate pests and diseases and gradually dead. Many eucalyptus saplings, as a result of over-exploitation of the small old tree, looks crooked, frail and sick. The consequences of doing so not only affect the surrounding environment, affect the afforestation process, affect the functioning of forest ecology, but also affect the quality and quantity of the seeds. Particularly intolerable is that our province forestry research department spent a lot of money, people
推进高职教育与职业资格证书制度的衔接。高职教育与职业资格证书制度相结合的几点建议。 Promote the higher vocational education and vocational qualification certifi
针对一般单端反激式开关电源存在的输入端功率因数低、谐波成份大的缺点,提出了无输入滤波电容的高功率因数单端反激式开关电源,并对其进行了理论分析和实验研究。 Aiming at