
来源 :中国油料 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:falinglord
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大豆属Glycine包括有两个亚属:大豆亚属(译者拟译名)Glycine和黄豆亚属Soja。大豆亚属包括有6个“种”,原产于澳大利亚、其中有两个在中国台湾省和南太平洋的若干岛屿上亦有发现。黄豆亚属包括有栽培种大豆G.max和野生大豆G.soja。野生大豆原产中国、苏联、朝鲜和日本。细胞学、形态学以及种子蛋白质的研究指出野生大豆G.soja是栽培种大豆G.max的野生祖先。语言学、地理学和历史上的证据,明确指出中国北部的东半部是大豆的发生和形成的区域,其时间大体上是公元前十一世纪左右,以后才普及到东南亚国家。于公元十六世纪初期,欧洲由旅行家知道有大豆产品。一直到1712年有关大豆栽培的详细知识才传入欧洲。于1804年初在北美初见。现在美国收集大豆品种资源约有7181份,包括有驯化的栽培品种,外国的饲料作物,植物引种材料,野生大豆,多年生大豆和遗传材料,其中有类型、分离系,细胞学材料以及性状连锁等特殊材料。在这些材料中,植物育种家和农艺学家在改进展济性状的同时,测定了大约有90个特殊的基因位点。 Soybean Glycine consists of two subgenus: Glycine of Soybean and Soja of Soybean. Soybean subspecies includes six “species” native to Australia, two of which are also found on several islands in Taiwan Province of China and the South Pacific. Soybean subspecies includes cultivated soybean G. max and wild soybean G. soja. Wild soybean origin China, the Soviet Union, North Korea and Japan. Cytology, morphology, and seed protein studies indicated that G. soja, a wild soybean, is the wild ancestor of G.max, a cultivated species of soybean. Linguistics, geography and historical evidence clearly state that the eastern half of northern China is an area where the occurrence and formation of soybeans took place. Its time is generally around the eleventh century BC, and later spread to Southeast Asian countries. In the early 16th century AD, travelers in Europe knew of soy products. It was not until 1712 that detailed knowledge of soybean cultivation was introduced into Europe. Early in 1804 in North America early. There are currently about 7,181 soybean resources collected in the United States, including domesticated cultivars, foreign fodder crops, plant introductions, wild soybeans, perennial soybeans and genetic material, including types, isolates, cytological materials, and trait linkage special material. Among these materials, plant breeders and agronomists measured approximately 90 unique loci while improving their traits.
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9月9日,胡锦涛总书记考察中国人民大学期间来到新闻学院,观摩了电视新闻直播节目采访课教学,并对在场的近60名师生发表讲话。 On September 9, General Secretary Hu Jintao
The current study aimed to describe textural characteristics, heavy mineral composition, and grain microtextures of the sediment from three micro-environments (
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深松耕法是在无产阶级文化大革命中,广泛深入地开展农业学大寨群众运动,认真贯彻农业“八字宪法”和实行科学种田的基础上出现的新生事物。 我省气候严寒,主要产粮区松嫩平