来源 :Journal of Shanghai Second Medical University | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:moligu
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Objective To measure the QOL in patients with AECOPD and the frequency of potential risk factors, and to evaluate the association of risk factors with poor QOL in patients with AECOPD. Methods A study sample of 196 patients with moderate to severe COPD admitted for acute exacerbations to two large general hospitals were studied. The St George QOL (SGQOL) scale, socio-demographic, clinical and patient care characteristics, including depression and spirometry were ascertained in the stable state before discharge and at one-month post discharge. Results There was a high prevalence of current or ex-heavy smokers, depression and consumption of psychotropic drugs, and low prevalence of care giver support, pulmonary rehabilitation and vaccination. The mean scores for the different domains were 55.9 for Symptoms; 65.1 for Activity; 32.9 for Impact; and the mean of overall Total scores was 46.5. Multiple regression analysis showed that CMH, male, depression, previous frequent hospital readmissions and poor therapy compliance were independently related to worse Symptoms Scores. Previous frequent readmissions, depression, severe dyspnea and older age (>72 years) were related to worse Activity Scores of SGQOL. Depression, previous frequent readmissions, severe dyspnea, long COPD duration(≥5years) and severe smoking were related to worse Impact Scores of SGQOL. Depression, previous frequent readmissions, severe dyspnea and long COPD duration(≥5years) were independently related to worse Total Scores of SGQOL. Conclusion Poor QOL in patients with COPD exacerbation was associated with disease severity, psychosocial and health care factors which are modifiable. Objective To measure the QOL in patients with AECOPD and the frequency of potential risk factors, and to evaluate the association of risk factors with poor QOL in patients with AECOPD. Methods A study sample of 196 patients with moderate to severe COPD admitted for acute exacerbations to Two large general hospitals were studied. The St George QOL (SGQOL) scale, socio-demographic, clinical and patient care characteristics, including depression and spirometry were ascertained in the stable state before discharge and at one-month post discharge. Results There was a a high prevalence of current or ex-heavy smokers, depression and consumption of psychotropic drugs, and low prevalence of care giver support, pulmonary rehabilitation and vaccination. The mean scores for the different domains were 55.9 for Symptoms; 65.1 for Activity; 32.9 for Impact; and the mean of overall total scores was 46.5. Multiple regression analysis showed that CMH, male, depression, previous frequent hospital readmissi ons and poor therapy compliance were independently related to worse Symptoms Scores. Previous frequent readmissions, depression, severe dyspnea and older age (> 72 years) were related to worse Activity Scores of SGQOL. Depression, previous frequent readmissions, severe dyspnea, long COPD duration (≥ 5years) were severe related to worse Total Scores of SGQOL. Conclusion Poor QOL in patients with COPD exacerbation was associated with disease severity, psychosocial and health care factors which are modifiable.
语文教学的本位是重积累、重感悟、重读书,只有这样,语文课才能有声有色,有情有趣,真正成为学生的学习乐园。 The standard of Chinese teaching is heavy accumulation, he
1. (06全国Ⅱ)设函数f(x)=(x+1)ln(x+1),若对所有的x≥0,都有f(x)≥ax成立,求实数a的取值范围.  解法1:令g(x)=(x+1)ln(x+1)-ax,  对函数g(x)求导数:g′(x)=ln(x+1)+1-a  令g′(x)=0,解得x=ea-1-1,……5分  (ⅰ) 当a≤1时,对所有x>0,g′(x)>0,所以g(x)在[0,+∞)上是增函数
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周末,朋友把在幼儿园上中班的千金带来我家玩。小家伙神气得很,我跟她聊天,不管问什么问题她都能对答如流。小家伙跟我不算熟悉,有如此表现,真让我刮目相看。 Weekends, fri