
来源 :教育革新 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:pp
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新的课程改革实施十多年来,初中英语教学一直未能摆脱重视知识的传授,轻视学生技能培养的传统的教学模式,大部分教师仍然固守着一种封闭、单向传导的课堂教学模式,使得课堂教学还是以自我为中心,忽视了学生的主体地位,没有关注初中学生的情绪变化和心理特征,学生长期被动地参与教学活动,久而久之,逐步丧失了学习英语的兴趣,导致英语教学长期摆脱不了“耗时较多、收效较小”的困境。为此,乘着高效课堂改革这股强劲的东风,在十多年的英语教学实践中,我总结了 For more than a decade since the implementation of the new curriculum reform, junior high school English teaching has not been able to get rid of the emphasis on knowledge imparting and despising the traditional teaching mode of student skill development. Most teachers still stick to a closed and one-way conduction classroom teaching mode, Making classroom teaching self-centered, ignoring the dominant position of students, paying no attention to emotional changes and psychological characteristics of junior high school students, and participating in teaching activities for a long period of time and passively. As time passes, they gradually lose their interest in learning English and lead to the long-term elimination of English teaching Can not “more time-consuming, less effective” predicament. To this end, riding a highly efficient classroom reform this strong east wind, in more than 10 years of English teaching practice, I summed up