Unit 8 Sports要点解读

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  一、 词语例解
  1. tie
  【用法】 n. 1) 领带;领结 (long, narrow piece of cloth that a man wears round the neck of his shirt)
  I only wear a tie on special occasions. 我只在特殊场合才打领带。
  A red tie will match that suit.红领带很配那件衣服。
  The sunlight has faded my tie.阳光晒得我的领带褪了颜色。
  2) 纽带;关系 (something that holds people together)
  He doesn’t want to live in London because of his family ties in Newcastle. 因为他的家庭关系都在纽卡斯尔,所以不愿住在伦敦。
  We have established trade ties with these regions.我们和这些地区建立了贸易关系。
  3) 打成平局;得分相同 (end a game or competition with the same marks, etc. for both sides)
  They made a tie of 2-2 in the game.他们在这场比赛中以2比2打平。
  The Shanghai and Tianjin teams are to play off their tie against each other the coming Sunday.打成平局的上海队和天津队将于星期天再次举行比赛,以决胜负。
  v. 1) 打结 ( make a knot or bow with two ends of string, rope, etc.)
  She tied the ribbon in a bow.她把缎带系成一个蝴蝶结。
  This rope won’t tie.这根绳子打不了结。
  2) 绑(带子,绳子)(bind, fasten, or attach with a cord, string, rope, etc.)
  He tied his horse to a tree by the road. 他把马拴在路旁的一棵树上。
  Why not tie a bell around the cat’s neck? 为什么不在猫的脖子上系上铃呢?
  He tied his books together. 他把书捆在一起。
  The prisoner’s hands were tied behind his back. 犯人的手被反绑在背后。
  3) (比赛中的)平局;同分 ( gain equal marks, etc. in a game or competition)
  Finally the match tied. 最后比赛打平了。
  The two boys tied in the examination—each got 88. 这两个孩子的考试分数相等,都得了88分。
  2. compete
  【用法】 v. 比赛, 竞争(try to win, try to do better than others)
  Although there were only 4 horses competing, it was an exciting race.虽然只有4匹马比赛, 这场比赛仍然很精彩。
  He is going to compete against / with his old friend in the second round.第2回合时他将与老朋友竞争。
  【搭配】 compete in (a game,a match) 参加 compete with / against sb.和某人竞争 compete for (a prize,a medal,the first place) 角逐
  【拓展】 competition与 game, race, match,contest的区别
  game意为“游戏,比赛,运动”,可指户内、户外、脑力、体力均可,指球赛时多用于美国英语。棋类、桥牌等比赛中多用game。另外games(复数) 一般指大型的国际体育运动会, 如 the Olympic Games(奥运会), the Asian Games(亚运会)。match“比赛、竞赛”,指球赛多用于英国英语。它一般指预先安排好的正式比赛,摔跤、拳击等比赛中多用match。race通常指赛跑、赛马、赛车、赛船等运动。competition意为“比赛, 竞争”,指通过个人的体力、智力、技能等竞赛而获取名次的各种比赛,也可指体力,也可指其他技能方面的。contest表示各种智力和知识“竞赛”,在这方面可与competition互换。
  3. 词语辨析:beat,defeat,win,earn
  If they beat the visiting team, they’ll be the champion.如果他们赢了客队,他们将成为冠军。
  Frank beat Andrew with close scores. 弗兰克以接近的比分击败了安德鲁。
  I can beat / defeat you at swimming.我游泳比你强。
  He was defeated / beaten at chess.他下棋下输了。
  We need to cooperate perfectly to win the game.要想赢得比赛,我们需要密切配合。
  He soon won a reputation for himself. 他很快就成名了。
  His poem won the first prize of ten dollars.他的诗获得了10美元的一等奖。
  He has earned a lot of money this month. 这个月他已经赚了好多钱了。
  He earned the admiration of the world by his working hard for the world peace.他为世界和平努力工作,博得了全世界的赞誉。
  二、 短语精析
  1. stand for代表
  The PRC stands for the People’s Republic of China. PRC代表中华人民共和国。
  She also learned a kind of alphabet for the blind, in which different finger positions stand for different letters of the alphabet. 她还学了一种盲人用的手语字母,即用手指的不同位置代表字母表上不同的字母。
  stand for还可以表示“支持;主张;拥护”。
  We stand for self?鄄reliance. 我们主张自力更生。
  2. would rather 宁愿;宁可
  Whereas we want a flat, they would rather live in a house. 我们想住公寓房,而他们却想住一所房子。
  You would rather stay at home and do some reading this evening. 今晚你最好呆在家中读点书。
  【拓展】 would rather与than连用,可构成另一个惯用句式,即:“would rather ... than ....”,意谓“宁可(愿)……(而)不要(愿)……”、“与其……不如……”。用以表达主语的意愿,强调经过选择后做其中一件事,而不愿做另一件事。例如:
  I would rather fail than cheat in the examination. 我宁愿考不及格,也不愿意考试作弊。
  I would rather remain poor than get money by dishonest means. 我宁可安于贫穷,也不愿用不当手段赚钱。
  I would rather be laughed at than quarrel with him. 我宁愿被嘲笑,也不愿和他吵架。
  would rather后也可跟从句,表示主语宁愿让某人干某事。这时,从句谓语动词要用虚拟语气,即用一般过去时的形式表示现在或将来要做的事;用过去完成时的形式表示过去要做的事。例如:
  I’d rather you met her at the airport tomorrow morning. 我但愿你明天早上能在机场见到她。
  I’d rather you hadn’t told him the news that day. 我真希望你那天没有把那消息告诉他。
  3. take part 参加
  We’ll take part in social practice during the summer vacation.暑假期间我们将参加社会实践。
  He will take part in a chess tournament next week.下星期,他将要参加一场国际象棋比赛。
  【注意】 take part in指参加会议或群众性活动等,着重说明句子主语参加该项活动并在活动中发挥作用。take part in是惯用词组,part前一般不用冠词,但part前有形容词修饰时,要用不定冠词。例如:
  Lincoln took an active part in politics and was strongly against slavery.林肯积极参加政治活动,强烈反对奴隶制。
  4. in preparation for为……作准备
  They’ve sold their house and car in preparation for leaving the country. 他们卖掉了房子和汽车准备出国。
  She had been employed in preparations for the press conference all morning. 整个上午她一直忙于为这次记者招待会做准备工作。
  be in preparation for 的同义短语为make preparations for,例如:
  We made preparations for the trip.我们为旅行作准备。
  【拓展】 prepare for准备prepare sb. sth. 给某人准备某物 prepare to do sth.准备做某事be prepared for 为……做好准备 make preparations for为……做准备
  1. Every four years athletes from all over the world take part in the Olympic Games.每四年,来自世界各地的运动员参加奥林匹克运动会。
  (1) every + 基数词 + 复数名词
  The American people elect a president every four years.美国人民每四年选举一任总统。
  Take the medicine every six hours. 每隔6小时吃一次药。
  (2) every + 序数词 + 单数名词
  He comes to see his uncle every third week. 他每三个星期来看望他叔叔一次。
  (3) every + other + 单数名词,“每隔一……”
  The doctor comes to see my mother every other day.医生每隔一天来看我妈妈一次。
  We have English lessons every other day; that is on Monday,Wednesday and Friday.我们隔一天上一次英语课,就是在星期一,星期三和星期五。
  【注意】 every后可接 few,但不能接 a few,因 every一词已包含了a之意,另外every后也不能接some,several,many等词。every后接序数词时,则修饰单数可数名词。例如:
  Trees should be planted every few metres.树应间隔几米种一棵。
  They looked up and gave a smile to each other every few minutes. 每隔几分钟他们抬起头相互笑笑。
  2. In Sydney the Chinese team got 28 gold medals, ranking third of all the competing countries.在悉尼奥运会上,中国队共获28枚金牌,在所有的参赛国中金牌总数名列第三。
  句中的rank意为“保持某地位或职业(hold a certain grade or position)”。例如:
  He ranks high as an author. 作为一个作家,他的身份很高。
  Canada ranks fourth among the trading nations of the world. 在世界贸易国家中,加拿大名列第四。
  此外句中的ranking third of all the competing countries是现在分词短语作结果状语,表示意料中的、顺理成章的结果,常置于句尾。例如:
  The child fell, striking his head against the door and cutting it.小孩摔了一跤,头撞在门上碰破了。
  She was so angry that she threw her new doll on the floor, breaking it into pieces.
  European football is played in 80 countries, making it the most popular sport in the world.
  They lift a rock only to drop it on their own feet. 他们搬起石头砸了他们自己的脚。
  I went to see him only to find him out.我去看他,不料他出去了。★
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一、it 做主语指代单个人/物。     it做主语通常指代除人之外的任何东西,也可指代上文提到的事物,间或指小孩或不知是谁心目中的人,如"who is it?"之类句子中的it,还可指代时间、天气、距离等。  【考例】  1.—He was nearly drowned once.  —When was_______?  —_______was in 1998 when he was inmid
Ⅰ. 单词拼写    根据句意和汉语注释或首字母提示,写出句中所缺单词的完全形式。  1. An a_______is a person trained for competing in physical exercises and outdoor games.  2. “No pains, no gains” is my m_______.  3. The Chinese team won 28