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如今,在中国的许多城市,人们经常可以看到欧宝轿车在大街上飞驰的身影,有关欧宝轿车的新闻报道和宣传广告也在各种媒体中不断出现。这个来自于德国的品牌,以其精良上乘的德国科技和实惠的价格打动了中国消费者的心。欧宝旗下的欧美佳、威达、雅特和赛飞利等品牌轿车凭借优良的性能和合理的价位,已开始在中国名声雀起,并且以极高的性价比在国内进口车市场赢得一片赞誉。欧宝汽车公司的历史可以追溯到1863年。当时的创始人德国的亚当·欧宝先生设计制造出缝纫机后就创办了自己的缝纫机公司,随后他又开始设计自行车。兴旺的生意使他拥有了几百名雇员和上万台缝纫机的资产。1899年,日益壮大的欧宝公司开始涉足汽车制造业。最早生产的 Lutzman 牌汽车是一种三座、3.5马力单缸发动机敞篷车,这也是世界上最早的汽车之一。精良的科技与制造水准,使欧宝汽车迅速占领了当时的汽车市场。到1914年,欧宝已成为德国最大的汽车制造商,继而还建立了长达45米的德国第一条流水生产线。到1928年,欧宝的产品已占了德国市场的三分之一以上。今天,亚当·欧宝当初的承诺依然不变。欧宝公司始终采用最新的设计和最先进的制造技术生产汽车,并努力提供消费者可接受的价格——追求优良的性价比,这正是以“闪电”为标志的欧宝品牌一直坚守的基本原则。 Today, many cities in China, people often see the speeding of the Opel car on the street, news and advertisements about the Opel car also appeared in various media. This brand from Germany, with its excellent German technology and affordable prices touched the hearts of Chinese consumers. Opel brand cars Europe and the United States, such as Weida, Astra and Zafira with excellent performance and reasonable price, has started to fame in China, and to a very high price in the domestic import car market won a praise. Opel Automobile’s history dates back to 1863. At that time, the founder of Germany, Mr. Adam Opel, founded the sewing machine company after designing and manufacturing the sewing machine, and then he started to design the bicycle. The thriving business gave him the assets of hundreds of employees and tens of thousands of sewing machines. In 1899, the growing Opel company began to get involved in the automotive industry. The earliest Lutzman cars were a three-seat, 3.5-horsepower single-cylinder engine convertible and one of the first cars in the world. Sophisticated technology and manufacturing standards, Opel cars quickly occupied the then car market. By 1914, Opel became Germany’s largest carmaker, followed by the establishment of the first water-line in Germany of 45 meters. By 1928, Opel’s products already accounted for more than one-third of the German market. Today, Adam Opel’s original commitment remains unchanged. Opel has always been using the latest design and state-of-the-art manufacturing technology to produce cars and striving to provide acceptable prices - in pursuit of good price / performance, which is what the Opel brand, which is marked by Lightning, in principle.
患儿,男,2岁,13.5kg。因确诊川崎病10天, 口角歪斜2天,再次就诊。10天前因发热3天,给予阿莫西林,华素片口服治疗3天无效,随后收住院。伴一过性皮疹,双眼结膜充血,唇红、皲裂
The type , morphology and sources of inclusionin steels ,includingindigenous and exogenous inclusions ,were discussed and reviewed .Indigenous inclusions are de
The thymus begins involution in childhood and historically it was thought to b e nonfunctional by adulthood, thus presenting no contraindication to the routine