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目的评价上颌前牙种植美学修复的效果。方法选择2014年2月—2016年3月就诊的上颌前牙缺失患者60例,随机分为观察组与对照组,每组30例。对照组常规种植,观察组在常规植入种植体的基础上给予美学重建。分别于种植修复后3、6、12个月由医师对种植冠形态、色泽,牙龈形态、质地、色泽、丰满度,龈缘曲线,牙间乳头,与邻牙协调性,与对侧同名牙协调性进行评分,并计算满意度。种植冠形态、色泽,牙龈形态、质地、色泽、丰满度,龈缘曲线,牙间乳头,与邻牙协调性,与对侧同名牙协调性评分采用重复测量的方差分析,满意度比较采用χ~2检验,P<0.05为差异有统计学意义。结果修复后3、6、12个月观察组种植冠形态、色泽,牙龈形态、质地、色泽、丰满度,龈缘曲线,牙间乳头,与邻牙协调性,与对侧同名牙协调性评分均高于对照组,比较差异有统计学意义(均P<0.05)。修复后3、6、12个月观察组满意度(46.67%、93.33%、96.67%)均高于对照组(20.00%、43.33%、46.67%),比较差异有统计学意义(均P<0.05)。结论上颌前牙种植美学修复既保持了种植周围龈组织健康、维持了种植体的长期稳定,改善了缺牙修复效果。 Objective To evaluate the effect of aesthetics restoration on maxillary anterior teeth. Methods Sixty patients with maxillary anterior teeth missing from February 2014 to March 2016 were randomly divided into observation group and control group with 30 cases in each group. The control group was routinely planted, and the observation group was given esthetic reconstruction on the basis of conventional implants. Respectively 3,6,12 months after planting restoration by the physician on the planting crown morphology, color, gingival morphology, texture, color, fullness, gingival margin, interdental nipple, coordination with the adjacent teeth, and the contralateral same name teeth Coordination score, and calculate satisfaction. The crown shape, color, gingival morphology, texture, color, fullness, gingival margin curve, interdental nipple, coordination with adjacent teeth, and the contralateral same name dental coordination score repeated analysis of variance analysis, satisfaction was compared using χ ~ 2 test, P <0.05 for the difference was statistically significant. Results The morphology, color, gingival morphology, texture, color, fullness, gingival margin curve, interdental papilla, coordination with adjacent teeth, and coordination score with the same side of the contralateral teeth at 3, 6 and 12 months after repair Were higher than the control group, the difference was statistically significant (P <0.05). Satisfaction of the observation group (46.67%, 93.33%, 96.67%) was higher than that of the control group (20.00%, 43.33%, 46.67%) at 3, 6 and 12 months after repair ). Conclusion Aesthetic restoration of maxillary anterior teeth not only maintains the health of gingival tissue around the implant, maintains long-term stability of implants, but also improves the effect of missing teeth restoration.
对照2007年和今年的人教A版选修1-2《独立性检验的基本思想及其初步应用》课本有一些思考和感悟.  首先列出课程标准对这一部分的要求:  (1) 通过对典型案例(如“肺癌与吸烟有关吗”等)的探究,了解独立性检验(只要求2×2列联表)的基本思想、方法及初步应用.  (2) 通过对典型案例(如“质量控制”“新药是否有效”等)的探究,了解实际推断原理和假设检验的基本思想、方法及初步应用(参见例1). 
上一年级以后,可乐最大的收获就是在一大群陌(mo)生的同学中发现了皮皮龙。皮皮龙是可乐幼儿园的同学,比可乐大将近一岁,是大(2)班的“老大”。 After the first grade, cok
笔者用2010年高考上海历史卷做高三文科班练习,发现其中第11题学生的答错率较高。试题如下: I use the 2010 college entrance examination in Shanghai history volume to