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1955年美国科学家K·H·Norris发表第一篇近红外分析文章,70年代以来近红外分析技术迅速发展。目前已广泛应用于农业、食品、医药、石油化工、纺织等方面。在农业方面,主要用于农产品的品质分析。如对各种作物种子及饲料进行各种有机成分的测定,对某些蔬菜、水果进行成熟度的鉴定和内部病斑的检查等。在这方面,世界各国特别是西方国家每年都有大量文章报道。据报道,近红外分析不仅可以测定种子中粗蛋白、粗脂肪、水分、淀粉,而且可以测定纤 In 1955, American scientist KH Norris published his first article on near infrared analysis. Since the 1970s, near infrared analysis technology has been rapidly developed. Has been widely used in agriculture, food, medicine, petrochemicals, textiles and so on. In agriculture, it is mainly used for quality analysis of agricultural products. Such as a variety of crop seeds and feed a variety of organic components of the determination of certain vegetables, fruits and maturity of the identification of internal lesion checks. In this respect, there are a large number of articles reported each year in various countries in the world, especially in the western countries. It is reported that near infrared spectroscopy can not only determine the seed crude protein, crude fat, moisture, starch, and can be measured fiber
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