Electromagnetic Abnormity Recorded by Borehole TOA Installment during the Mojiang MS 5. 9 Earthquake

来源 :中国地震研究(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:king0083
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As an achievement of the cooperation with Japan, TOA electromagnetic observation station was established with an 800m borehole antenna and put into service in 1992 in Dali, Yunnan province,China. Li Wuxian et al. (2003) summarized main anomalous variation characters by analyzing 23 strong earthquakes with magnitudes more than 5. 0 recorded in the first ten years. This work mainly presents the electromagnetic changes prior to the last Mojiang MS5. 9 earthquake on September 8, 2018. First of all, the initial weak signals appeared in two ULF channels out of three observing channels ( CH10. 01-0. 10Hz, CH20. 1-1. 0Hz and CH31-9kHz) on May 30, 2018 at Dali TOA electromagnetic station. The information recorded was characterized by wave-like changes with magnitudes of ACH1≤0. 26mV in CH1 and pulse-like impulses of ACH2≤0. 6mV in CH2, respectively. Then, abnormal information gradually enhanced either in magnitudes or in occurrence frequency. Pulse-like signals were full of lattices of recording paper for CH2 during June 24-25 and slopped over the recording paper during June 28-29, with the magnitudes being greater than or equal to 10mV. At the same time, the clear wave-like signals also appeared in CH1 with a maximum magnitude of ~0. 6mV on June 28 and reached its climax. From then on, the information started to decrease from the end of July and only weak signals occasionally occurred till the end of August 2018, when obvious anomaly was recorded again in two ULF channels with maximum magnitudes of ACH1~0. 2mV and ACH2~0. 3mV respectively. Generally, these signals did not appear continuously but group by group and accumulated intensively only in ULF band instead of VLF band during the total period. 10 days later, the Mojiang MS5. 9 earthquake occurred on September 8, 2018, 300km away from Dali TOA station, and a coseismic response was also recorded at this time. Thus, these ULF electromagnetic abnormities could be probably attributed to the Mojiang event.
Influenced by the layout of seismic network and the location of earthquakes, earthquake catalogs are often incomplete;such incompleteness of earthquake catalogu
案件回放:  某年4月18日,有人在某村一废弃的氨水罐内发现一具男尸,在该尸体脚踝上环绕捆绑着灰色布条且在双脚踝前打结。经法医检验,死者颈部有勒痕,死于机械性窒息。根据侦查,该现场为抛尸现场,在勘查中未发现有检验条件的指纹及足迹。除了尸体脚踝上的灰色布条,其它物品均是死者所有。  众警员们盯着这条不规则的灰色布条,陷入沉思。死者不能开口,难道秘密就藏在这布条里吗?这时,纺织学毕业的新警员小李撇开人
案 例  暑假到了,小卡和轩轩等五个同学一起结伴到郊区露营野餐。同学五人乘坐公交车在郊区下车以后,开始步行,大约两个小时之后,他们正式进入了山区。此时已经接近正午,气温越来越高,他们急切地需要找到一处适合露营的地方。经过一番寻找,他们终于找到了一处比较宽敞的地方,而且这里树木茂盛,比较凉爽。  五个人匆忙解决了午饭问题后,便开始玩耍,不料却因此忘了时间,在太阳快下山时他们才想起往回走。可他们来的时
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