Responsibility of States in implementing the Green Model rather than the Traditional Model of Develo

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Green Development strategy is officially no longer a pending question in China’s development process however the transition from the Traditional Model to the implementation of Green Model Development is slow and presents a challenge to State’s Responsibility in managing ways of life. We seek to analyze: “Why visible changes come slow despite a firm policy?”Short-term and long-term Green Development strategies of implementation are difficult to coordinate and may cause a crumbling transition. It is in State’s responsibility to ensure“slow but steady”transition,with a low risk of collateral damage and a transition compatible with inequalities that still exist between rural and urban areas. Green Development Model implementation has three major features,sustainable development,state responsibility and time. Green Development strategy is officially no longer a pending question in China’s development process however the transition from the Traditional Model to the implementation of Green Model Development is slow and presents a challenge to State’s Responsibility in managing ways of life. We seek to analyze: “ Why visible changes come slow despite a firm policy? ”Short-term and long-term Green Development strategies of implementation are difficult to coordinate and may cause a crumbling transition. It is in State’s responsibility to ensure “ slow but steady ”transition , with a low risk of collateral damage and a transition compatible with inequalities that still exist between rural and urban areas. Green Development Model implementation has three major features, sustainable development, state responsibility and time.
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