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平时,我总是经常听到不少语文教师叫苦不迭,尽管在作文教学中花费了不少时间,耗费了不少精力,但学生的作文水平却总是提高不大。 问题究竟在哪里呢? 我认为原因是多方面的,但归根结底是法不得当。具体地说与教师的作文指导不得力,作文批改不恰当,作文讲评不民主有直接的关系。教师要想尽快地提高作文教学水平,必须在指导、批改、讲评这三大环节中来个“革新”,从学生的实际情况出发,把工作做到实处,真正地调动起学生的写作积极性,使之乐与参与,认真思考,勤于动笔。只要这样持之以恒地做下去,就会收到事半功倍的效果,真正把作文教学质量提高上去。 一、作文指导重在“导” 叶圣陶老先生早就指出,指导学生作文,应从两个方面下功夫:“一使需之切”,“一使乐其业”。所谓“需之切”,即学生有了表达愿望,迫切需要将自己的看法或想法及时地表达出来。所谓“乐其业”,就是最大范围内调动学生的写作积极性,使之乐于去写。如何做到这两点呢?我看关键问题在“导”。导者,引也。孔子在《论语》中说:“不愤不启,不悱不发。”这里说的“愤”,“悱”,指的学生心里懂得,但未懂透,想说又说不出。发现学生处于“愤”“悱”状态时,教师因势利导,就会收到应有的效果。一些有经验的教师,也常在“教”字上下功夫,但更在? Usually, I often hear many Chinese teachers complain bitterly. Although spending a lot of time and effort in writing teaching, students' essay level is always not much improved. Where exactly is the problem? I think the reasons are many, but in the final analysis the law is not appropriate. Specifically speaking with the teacher's poor writing instruction, writing improper modification, composition and criticism of a direct relationship with democracy. In order to improve the composition teaching level as soon as possible, teachers must come up with “innovations” in the three aspects of guidance, criticizing and commenting. According to the actual situation of the students, the teachers should do their work effectively and really mobilize the enthusiasm of students in writing. Make fun and participation, serious thinking, diligent in writing. As long as we persevere in this way, we will receive a multiplier effect and truly improve the quality of writing teaching. First, the essay guide focuses on “guide” Mr. Ye Shengtao pointed out long ago that to guide student essay, efforts should be made in two aspects: “one needs to be cut” and “one makes music industry”. The so-called “need to cut”, that is, students have the desire to express, an urgent need to express their ideas or ideas in a timely manner. The so-called “music industry”, is to mobilize the maximum extent of student writing enthusiasm, so happy to write. How to do these two? I think the key issue in the “guide.” Guide, lead also. Confucius said in the Analects of Confucius: “I am indignant and not indignant.” “Anger” and “悱” as mentioned here refer to the students' minds, but they do not understand thoroughly and want to say no more. When the students find themselves in the state of “indignation” and “displeasure”, the teachers will receive the necessary results if they are quick lead. Some experienced teachers, often in the “teach” word work hard, but more?
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