Pulse Plating of Copper-ZrB_2 Composite Coatings

来源 :Journal of Materials Science & Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kjm
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Copper-zirconium diboride (ZrB2) composite coatings were fabricated using pulse plating technique to acquire a new type of EDM (electro-discharge machining) electrode material. The effects of pulse parameters, i.e., the average current density, the frequency and the duty cycle, on the incorporation of ZrB2 particles in the copper matrix were investigated. The amount of codeposited ZrB2 particles had a maximum at average current density of 3 A/dm2 and increased with decreasing duty cycle as well as current frequency of the pulse current used for deposition. The hardness of the coatings increased with increasing ZrB2 percentage, whereas the incorporation of ZrB2 particles had little effect on the resistivity of the composites. Copper-zirconium diboride (ZrB2) composite coatings were fabricated using pulse plating technique to acquire a new type of EDM (electro-discharge machining) electrode material. The effects of pulse parameters, ie, the average current density, the frequency and the duty cycle , on the incorporation of ZrB2 particles in the copper matrix were investigated. The amount of codeposited ZrB2 particles had a maximum at average current density of 3 A / dm2 and increased with decreasing duty cycle as well as current frequency of the pulse current used for deposition The hardness of the coatings increased with increasing ZrB2 percentage, while the incorporation of ZrB2 particles had little effect on the resistivity of the composites.
20多年前,一个普通的中共党员挺身而出,给中共中央领导人写信建议出版《邓小平文选》。他就是被称为提议出版《邓小平文选》第一人、山东省《大众日报》高级编辑的王允恭。  24年前9月的一天,时任中共中央书记处书记、中宣部部长的王任重,案头放着一封普通信件,信件发自山东省的平阴县,写信人是平阴铝厂的新闻干事、普通中共党员王允恭,信戳日期为1981年9月5日。  据王允恭回忆:当时,由于十年动乱的摧残,中
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