
来源 :河北农业大学学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:szRUIZHIZI
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(一)本试验是在保定进行的,枣萌芽后定期采芽固定切片,观察形态分化特点。另有早春移栽树,掰芽子,摘心,摘叶等辅助试验,以便决定枣花芽分化的特点。 (二)枣花芽分化过程,从形态上可分为六个时期,即未分化期,分化期,萼片期,花瓣期,雄蕊期及雌蕊期。当枣吊幼芽长0.2—0.3厘米时,花芽分化期已开始,待达1厘米以上时,花器的各个部分已形成,性器官在进一步分化,此时在枣吊叶腋间,可看到明显的突起。当在外形上看清花蕾的原形时,性器官已分化完了。 (三)枣花芽分化是从早春萌芽后开始,随生长不断出现新的花芽原始体,并加深已出现芽的分化程度,直至停止生长为止。枣吊,枣头的花芽是由下向上陆续分化的。一花序内则先中心花,后侧花再副侧花顺序进行,先分化的花芽先开花。 (四)枣的花芽当年萌发,当年分化,多次分化,并有分化期短及分化速度快等特点,如一单花分化需7天左右,一花序为7—20天,一枣吊的分化历时约1个月左右,单株分化则达2—3个月之久。 (五)掰芽后平均经6天萌芽(5—14天),26天开花(21—32天),前期可获得成熟果实,后期处理则只开花,很少座果,晚期则不能萌发,连续掰芽反应不好。 (六)枣花芽分化需要营养物质,若营养不良,可影响花芽的质量。如早春移栽树不能开花结果,摘心后可提高花芽质量,摘叶后则对花芽分化不利。 (A) The test is carried out in Baoding, jujube sprout buds regularly fixed sections, observe the morphological characteristics of differentiation. Another early spring transplanted trees, breaking buds, topping, picking leaves and other auxiliary tests in order to determine the characteristics of jujube flower bud differentiation. (B) jujube flower bud differentiation process, from the morphological can be divided into six periods, namely, undifferentiated, differentiated, sepal, petal, stamen and pistil period. When the jujube hanging buds 0.2-0.3 cm long, the flower bud differentiation has begun, to be more than 1 cm, the various parts of the flower has been formed, the sex organs in the further differentiation, this time in the jujube leaf axillary, you can see the obvious Prominent. When you look at the shape of flower buds prototype, the sex organs have been divided over. (C) jujube flower bud differentiation is from the early spring after germination, new flower buds continue to appear with the growth of the original body, and deepen the bud has been differentiated until the growth stops. Jujube hanging, jujube flower buds are gradually from the next upwards. Within an inflorescence then the center of the flower, the flowers on the back and then the secondary flowers in order, the first differentiation of the first flowering flowers. (D) jujube flower germination year, the year of differentiation, multiple differentiation, and the differentiation of the short and rapid differentiation and other characteristics, such as a single flower need about 7 days, an inflorescence of 7-20 days, a hanging hanging differentiation About 1 month or so, single plant differentiation is up to 2-3 months. (5) After breaking the buds, germination (5-14 days) and flowering (21-32 days) on the 6th day on average, mature fruits can be obtained in the early stage, flowering only in the latter stage and rarely in the late stage, Continuous breaking bud reaction is not good. (F) jujube flower bud differentiation needs nutrients, if malnutrition, flower buds can affect the quality. Such as early spring transplanted trees can not flowering results, topping can improve the quality of flower buds, pick leaves after the unfavorable flower bud differentiation.
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兴起及原因 (一)关于票号起源的几种不同观点 关于山西票号的起源众说纷纭,有远溯隋唐,近迄道光之说,前后相差1200多年,现把几种意见介绍如下: 1.隋末唐初说 英籍的上海传教
冬季,在城市的街头经常可见“美丽冻人”的年轻女性,为了显得苗条而穿得很薄。医生表示,这样穿衣不会让女性变得美丽,只会越变越丑,因为“冷女人”脸上易长斑。  医学人员表示,“冷女人”的血行不畅,不仅冬天会手脚冰凉,且面部容易长斑,同时体内的能量不能润泽皮肤,皮肤就缺乏生气。女人的容貌要想水润通透,体内气血就要通畅。冷天里穿得太薄,身体受凉,血液容易淤滞,长期如此脸上就长斑了,脸色也不好。  许多办公
摘要:培养学生学习兴趣是增强物理学习效果的手段之一。文章论述初中物理教学中兴趣培养的几种方法——以疑激趣、以体验成功激趣、生活化教学激趣、多媒体的使用激趣。  关键词:中学物理教学;培养;物理兴趣  兴趣是最好的老师,兴趣是直接影响学习质量的主要因素,是学习的最大动力。对物理学科兴趣浓,学生就会愿意花时间在物理学科上,克服困难的欲望就强,学习效率就会大大提高,从而形成良性循环,物理教学质量自然提高
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