张云川等委领导出席分组讨论会 倾听建议 共商发展

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在2006年国防科技工业工作会议期间,国防科工委主任张云川,副主任陈求发、虞列贵、孙勤、金壮龙,驻委纪检组组长郭炎炎,副秘书长胡亚枫、陈根甫等领导出席了分组讨论会。在讨论中,委领导与代表们一起学习领会中央领导同志对国防科技工业的指示精神和黄菊副总理在工作会上的讲话,听取代表们对国防科技工业改革发展和对国防科工委工作的意见和建议。张云川主任用了整整3个半小时,与核工业集团公司、兵器工业集团公司及所属部分单位负责人,就一些重要问题进行了深入的讨论和研究。在谈到国防科技工业转型升级,军民结合的 During the 2006 national defense science and technology industry working conference, leaders of the State Commission of Science, Technology and Industry and Forestry, Zhang Yunchuan, deputy director Chen Qiufa, Yu Liegui, Sun Qin and Jin Zhuanglong, the chief of the Discipline Inspection Commission of the State Council Guo Yanyan, deputy secretary general Hu Yafeng and Chen Genfu attended the panel discussion . During the discussion, the leaders of the commissions and commissions of the CPC Central Committee studied and comprehended with the deputies the directives of the leading comrades of the Central Government over the national defense science and technology industry and Vice Premier Huang Ju’s speech at the working meeting, and listened to the deputies’ suggestions on the reform and development of the national defense science and technology industry and the work of the Commission of Science, Technology, Opinions and suggestions. Director Zhang Yunchuan spent a full three and a half hours, with the Nuclear Industry Corporation, the Ordnance Industry Group Corporation and the unit in charge of some units, on some important issues in-depth discussions and research. Talking about the transformation and upgrading of the national defense science and technology industry and the integration of military forces and civilian forces
凌晨两点钟,我写完一篇稿子刚上床睡下,就听到了敲门声。“咚咚咚,咚咚咚。”声音有些恐怖。  “谁啊?三更半夜的。”妻子不耐烦地问。  “咚咚咚,咚咚咚。”外面没人回答,敲门声却继续。  “肯定又是你爸,”妻子说,“他老是不分时候。你下去开门。”  “你去。”我说。我刚睡过去,实在太困了。  “爱开不开,”妻子给了我一个后背,“又不是我爸。”  是啊,敲门的是我爸,可我实在是太困了,而且,现在是半夜
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科尔沁草原的月亮  不是云在晃荡  是月亮  不是月亮在晃  是脚下的尘世  也不是尘世  是尘世下方  绵延不绝的草原  也不是草原  是一颗被洗了又洗  适于安放的心  在平缓的山岗上  生着小葵花的山岗上  我用语言擦拭天空  我用语言擦拭天空  它变得纯净、透明,不再像天空或任何事物  我拭净秋叶如一片片黄金  包括已落入尘埃的  我用咒语驱使一只斑斓的虎  越过起伏的橘色丘陵  而当我将
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