Opsoclonus-Myoclonus Syndrome Post-Vaccination and Viral Illness

来源 :临床医学国际期刊(英文) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sevenzzzz
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Opsoclonus-myoclonus syndrome is a rare condition with dyskinesia of eye movements and myoclonic movements of the trunk and limbs. It is linked to malignancies, infections and other conditions. We present a case of post-vaccination opsoclonus-myoclonus sy
<正> 一、主题内容与适用范围本标准规定了优质烤烟(主料烟)的成熟采摘标准、烘烤工艺及操作规程。本标准适用于优质烤烟烟叶的采收与烘烤。二、优质烤烟指标(一)田间长相1.
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