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阅读教学是提高学生语言表达能力的主阵地。今秋,我任教一年级的语文,在一学年的阅读教学中,对学生进行扎实有效的语言训练。课堂上,我通过“以文本为依托、以规范表达为抓手、以媒介为辅助”的方式,促进学生的语言发展,使他们言之有物、言之有序、言之有趣。一、以文本语言为依托,使学生言之有物崔峦老师在《小学语文》创刊号《阅读教学现状及改革建议》一文中指出“:阅读教学是干什么的?就是要凭借文本的语言着重培养学生感受语言、理解语言、积累语言、运用语言的能力……”作为语文教师,我们一定要借助文本这个例子,扎扎实 Reading teaching is the main front for improving students’ language skills. This fall, I teach first grade Chinese and practice hard-to-learn language training for students in one-year reading instruction. In class, I promoted the language development of students through “relying on texts as the starting point, standardizing as the starting point, and using the medium as auxiliary”, so that they could make their own words, orderly and entertaining. First, relying on the text language, so that students say something Cui Luan teacher in the “primary school language” first issue of “Reading Teaching Status and Reform Proposal” one article pointed out: “Reading teaching is doing? Is to rely on the language of the text Train students to feel the language, understand the language, accumulate language, the ability to use language ...... ”As a Chinese teacher, we must use the text of this example, solidly
水患水利上下忙,利害得失靠君扬。职业铸就冷板凳,工作全凭热心肠。 Water and water from top to bottom busy, Lee won gains and losses by Yang. Casting a cold bench,
海边的山脚下,有两座紧挨着的农舍。两家的主人都辛勤地在贫瘠的土地上劳作,他们各自需要抚养四个孩子。在两座紧挨着的农舍大门前,一群淘气的孩子从早到晚玩 At the foothi
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