Experimental system for perfusion imaging and time-intensity processing based on ultrasound contrast

来源 :中国人民解放军军医大学学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lrdw149
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Objective: To present a self-developed experimental system for basic studies of blood perfusion imaging and time-intensity evaluating based on ultrasound contrast agent. Methods: The experimental system performed the image reconstruction and time-intensity processing with radio frequency signals. The system was comprised of ultra-high speed hardware data acquisition interface and low computational cost algorithms. The self-made contrast agent ,blood mimic phantom and capillary phantom model were used to validate the experimental system. Results: The images acquired in blood phantoms with linear-array and curve-array transducers were given. The time-intensity curves corresponding to selected region of interested from image sequence were demonstrated. It was also shown the time-intensity based decay curves and a comparison of decay of ultrasound contrast agent under different ultrasound powers. Conclusion: Several experiments resulted from two in vitro phantom models show that the experimental system can be used to basic studies of blood perfusion and further clinical studies of microvasculature perfusion.
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