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本学期我们尝试在初二和初三年级开展“5分钟时政讲评”活动。一、什么是时政讲评时政讲评是指让学生通过自己收集、分析和处理信息来实际感受和体验知识的产生过程,进而了解社会,学会学习,培养分析问题、解决问题的能力和创造能力,以增进同学间的合作意识和创造性的一种活动。具体方式就是由学生以新闻发布会形式向全班学生介绍最近发生的重大国际、国内时事政治信息或社会热点问题,并运用自己所学的理论知识进行评析和阐明自己的观点,然后由其他同学参与发表自己的观点,教师在其中参与组织和作简短的点评。 This semester we try in the second and third grade to carry out “5 minutes political comment” activities. First, what is the political commentary Political commentary is to allow students to collect, analyze and process information through their own to actually feel and experience the production process of knowledge, and then understand the community, learn to learn, develop analytical skills, problem-solving skills and creative ability to An activity to promote students' sense of cooperation and creativity. The specific way is to introduce the latest international and domestic current political information or social hot issues to students in the form of a news conference by students in a press conference and to use their own theoretical knowledge to evaluate and clarify their views and then by other students Participate in expressing their views, in which teachers participate in the organization and for a brief comment.
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