
来源 :河南预防医学杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:money51
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大骨节病是严重影响病区人民身体健康的地方病,特别是对学龄儿童危害更大。为进一步摸清大骨节病的发病规律及早期临床表现的特征,为今后防治和病因研究提供线索,我们于1979年7月至80年8月在灵宝县 Kashin-Beck disease is a endemic disease that seriously affects the health of people in the ward, especially for school-age children. In order to further understand the pathogenesis of Kashin-Beck disease and the characteristics of early clinical manifestations, provide clues for future prevention and treatment of etiology, we in July 1979 to August 80 in Lingbao County
房地产交易的形式 房地产交易的形式主要有买卖、租赁、互换、抵押和典当。房地产交易的构成要素包括三个方面: 1.由交易双方构成的交易主体,即从事房地产交易的组织或个人,
In this study, protein from Porphyra haitanensis was used as raw material to prepare an antioxidant peptide, and its anti- oxidant activity was evaluated in vit
近二十年来各国相继进行人群中异常血红蛋白(以下简称异常 Hb)普查的研究(1)~(4),以1976年 Schneider 等报告的普查规模较大,在美国 Alabama 州普查了25万余人,发现异常 Hb
The negative freeboard of sea ice (i.e., the height of ice surface below sea level) with subsequent flooding is widespread in the Southern Ocean, as opposed to