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人往高处走,水往低处流,乃自然规律。然而,硕士研究生李兰蕴近几年从京城到县城,又从县城到农村,一次次逆“规律”而行的选择着实令人吃惊不小。而他却说:“这是我无悔的选择!”辞别京城李兰蕴1963年出生在山东省梁山县,1986年7月从兰州大学化学系毕业获硕士学位,被直接分配到北京一所军校任教,实现了他久已向往的参军梦。在从教六年间,他入了党,提了干,工资优厚,生活安定,事业有成。可就在这时,他却产生了回乡的念头。谈到回乡的初衷,李兰蕴说:“我是一个农民的儿子,我对农村、对农民有着深厚的感情。再说,我每次回家探亲,看到家乡那贫穷落后的面貌,我心里就针刺般疼痛。萌发的回家乡创业回报父老乡亲的念头,起初我还以为是一时冲动,可是几年过去了,这种感情不仅没 People go to the top, the water flow to the lower stream, is the natural law. However, the master’s candidate Li Lan Yun from the capital to the county in recent years, and from the county to the countryside, time and time again ”rule “ choice is really surprising. And he said: ”This is my regretless choice!“ Farewell to the capital Li Lan Yun was born in 1963 in Liangshan County, Shandong Province, July 1986 graduated from Lanzhou University Department of Chemistry by a master’s degree, was directly assigned to a military academy in Beijing Teaching, to achieve his longing for the army dream. During his six years in education, he joined the party and offered a cadre, a generous salary, a stable life and a successful career. But at this moment, he had the idea of ​​returning home. Talking about the original intention of returning home, Li Lanyun said: ”I am the son of a peasant, and I have deep feelings towards the countryside and peasants. Moreover, every time I go home to visit relatives and see the poverty and backwardness in my hometown, Acupuncture-like pain. Germination of the return of entrepreneurship back father idea, at first I thought it was a temporary impulse, but a few years later, this feeling not only did not
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