
来源 :新乡学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chenmingak47
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按揭制度同时满足开发商、按揭人和银行的不同利益需求,赢得三方主体的青睐。随着我国房地产事业的发展,按揭制度凸显出法律性质不明确、银行条款替代法律法规以及立法层面缺位等问题。这些问题是商品房买卖纠纷发生、按揭人权益遭受损害的主要原因。以法律为视角对商品房按揭制度进行分析,介绍按揭的立法现状,分析按揭人权益受侵的典型问题,提出完善按揭人权益保障的法律途径。 The mortgage system also satisfies the different interests of developers, mortgagors and banks and wins the favor of the tripartite subjects. With the development of real estate in our country, the mortgage system highlights issues such as the unclear nature of law, the substitution of banking clauses for laws and regulations, and the absence of legislation. These problems are the main reasons for the disputes over the sale and purchase of commercial houses and the damage to the rights and interests of mortgagors. From the perspective of law, this paper analyzes the mortgage system of commercial housing, introduces the current legislation of mortgage, analyzes the typical problems of mortgagee ’s rights and interests invasion, and puts forward the legal ways to improve the protection of rights and interests of mortgageers.
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我的家乡,在闻名中外的黄山脚下。这里风景优美、物产丰富,是个可爱的地方。“五岳归来不看山,黄山归来不看岳。”明代著名的地理学家、旅行家徐霞客把黄山推向 My hometown
今天我闯了一个祸。厨房里的水烧开了,电水壶响起了鸣叫声。我看见妈妈正在干家务活,就想帮妈妈一个忙,我拔开了电源插头。突然我想做个实验,我找来了一个 Today I broke a
司马老师没来上课!听校长说司马老师生病了,同学们决定由班长球球和宣传委员明明代表大家去看望他。来到司马老师家,他俩发现司马老师 Sima teacher did not come to class!
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