An Experimental Study of Text Representation Methods for Cross-Site Purchase Preference Prediction U

来源 :计算机科学技术学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:TORO_123
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Nowadays, many e-commerce websites allow users to login with their existing social networking accounts. When a new user comes to an e-commerce website, it is interesting to study whether the information from extal social media platforms can be utilized to alleviate the cold-start problem. In this paper, we focus on a specific task on cross-site information sharing, i.e., leveraging the text posted by a user on the social media platform (termed as social text) to infer his/her purchase preference of product categories on an e-commerce platform. To solve the task, a key problem is how to effectively represent the social text in a way that its information can be utilized on the e-commerce platform. We study two major kinds of text representation methods for predicting cross-site purchase preference, including shallow textual features and deep textual features leed by deep neural network models. We conduct extensive experiments on a large linked dataset, and our experimental results indicate that it is promising to utilize the social text for predicting purchase preference. Specially, the deep neural network approach has shown a more powerful predictive ability when the number of categories becomes large.
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