世界法律开大会 五洲宾朋集北京——第十四届世界法律大会盛况

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“通过法律维护世界和平中心”在我国法律界的支持下,于一九九○年四月二十二日至二十七日在北京举行了第十四届世界法律大会.这是一次大规模的、内容丰富的国际会议,是一次世界各国法律界人士团结、合作、友好的盛会.笔者作为中方代表团贵州代表团九位成员之一,有幸参加这次盛会,深感这不仅是个人的光荣,更主要的是贵州省法学界的光荣和贵州省政法管理干部学院的光荣.现将大会盛况介绍如下:“通过法律维护世界和平中心”是非政府性国际法律组织.“通过法律维护世界和平中心”一九六三年在雅典宣告成立,总部设在华盛顿.该组织的最高机构是执行委员会,现任世界主席是美国的查理斯·S·赖恩.该组织是一个联合世界范围的法官、律师、法学教授及其他力量,进行有效合作,以维护世界和平为宗旨的国际性民间法律组织.其任务是谋求加强和扩大国际社会的法治,在国际关系中消除武力的使用,以维护世界和平.到目前为止,加入“通过法律维护世界和平中心”的会员遍及一百五十一个国家和地区.会员中包括很多大法官、外交和司法部门的高级官员、著名律师、法学教授等,代表性相当广泛,在国际上具有较大影响. With the support of our legal community, the Fourteenth World Law Conference was held in Beijing from April 22 to July 27, 1990. This is a large-scale , An international conference of rich content, is a gathering of all the legal circles in the world for unity, cooperation and friendship. As one of the nine members of the Guizhou delegation to the Chinese delegation, I am fortunate to attend this grand meeting and feel it is not only personal Glorious and, above all, the glory of the legal community in Guizhou Province and the glory of Guizhou Provincial Institute of Politics and Law, the plenary session of the General Assembly is now as follows: “Legal Protection of World Peace Center” is a non-governmental international legal organization. “Maintaining World Peace through Law The Center was proclaimed in 1963 in Athens and is headquartered in Washington, DC The highest body of the organization is the Executive Committee, the incumbent world president is Charles S. Ryan of the United States, a United Nations-based judge, Lawyers, law professors and other forces, and international civil law organizations that work effectively to safeguard world peace with the task of seeking to strengthen and Expand the rule of law in the international community and eliminate the use of force in international relations so as to safeguard world peace. So far, membership in 151 countries and territories has joined the ”Peace in the Law Enforcement," which includes many members Chief Justice, senior officials in diplomatic and judicial departments, famous lawyers, law professors, etc., have quite a wide range of representations and have a great international influence.
一、为了在共同利益范围内解决与协调联合体各国活动有关的问题,设立联合体最高机构——“国家首脑会议”和“政府首脑会议”。 First, in order to solve the problems co
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