Clinical Study on Relationship between Liver-Blood Stasis and Liver Fibrosis

来源 :Chinese Journal of Integrated Traditional and Western Medici | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:weedppp
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Objective: Exploring the relationship between Liver-Blood Stasis (LBS) and liver fibrosis(LF) to lay a theoretical foundation of rational using traditional Chinese medicine against LF. Methods: Humanprocollagen peptide ill (hp ill P), hyaluronic acid (HA), laminin in the sera of 35 patients with hepatopathy andblood stasis syndrome (HP-BS) and 35 patients with hepatopathy and non-blood stasis syndrome (HP-NBS)were measured by radioimmunoassay. Thirty healthy subjects were taken as control. Correlation analysis between the degrees of LBS and those of the serum indexes of LF was made. Results: (1 ) hPlll P, HA, laminin inthe sera of the patients with HP-BS were markedly higher than those in the sera of the patients with HP-NBS,but the latter were markedly higher than healthy subjects. (2) Degrees of LBS correlated closely with those ofLF. (3) Xuefu Zhuyu (血府逐瘀) Decoction not only might improve the degrees of LBS but also decline theserum LF indexes. Nevertheless, the curative effects in early period of taking the herbs only showed serum HAdropped. Conclusions: The nature of LF in traditional Chinese medicine is mainly LBS, the degrees of whichmight reflect those of LF to a certain extent. Xuefu Zhuyu Decoction showed effective in reducing serum LF indexes but it needs at least 2 months. Objective: Exploring the relationship between Liver-Blood Stasis (LBS) and liver fibrosis (LF) to lay a theoretical foundation of rational using traditional Chinese medicine against LF. Methods: Humanprocollagen peptide ill (hp ill P), hyaluronic acid (HA), laminin in the sera of 35 patients with hepatopathy and blood stasis syndrome (HP-BS) and 35 patients with hepatopathy and non-blood stasis syndrome (HP-NBS) were measured by radioimmunoassay. Thirty healthy subjects were taken as control. Correlation analysis between the degrees of LBS and those of the serum indexes of LF was made. Results: (1) hPlll P, HA, laminin inthe sera of the patients with HP-BS were markedly higher than those in the sera of the patients with HP- NBS, but the latter were markedly higher than healthy subjects. (2) Degrees of LBS correlated closely with those of LF. (3) Xuefu Zhuyu Decoction not only might improve the degrees of LBS but also decline theserum LF indexes. the curative eff ects in early period of taking the herbs only showed serum HAdropped. Conclusions: The nature of LF in traditional Chinese medicine is mainly LBS, the degrees of which are reflecting those of LF to a certain extent. Xuefu Zhuyu Decoction showed effective in reducing serum LF indexes but it needs at least 2 months.
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