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【世界核新闻网站2014年7月8日报道】阿美科英国核工程咨询公司(AMEC Nuclear UK)成为波兰首座核电厂建设计划的技术咨询商。在波兰首个新建核电计划的制订和执行过程中,阿美科将在满足反应堆供应商(尚未选定),设计、采购和施工(EPC)承包商及其他主要服务供应商的要求方面为PGE EJ1公司提供支持。支持工作涵盖13个领域,从许可证审批到机组启动和试运行。PGE EJ1是波兰能源集团(PGE)为建设和运行核电厂而专门组建的公司。根据波兰四家国有公司于2013年达成的PGE EJ1股权分配协议,波能集团将拥有PGE EJ170%的股权,另外三家公司即TPE电力公司、Enea 【World Nuclear News Website July 8, 2014 Report】 AMEC Nuclear UK consultants (AMEC Nuclear UK) became Poland’s first nuclear power plant construction plan technical consultant. During the development and implementation of the first new nuclear power program in Poland, Amoco will be PGE EJ1 in meeting the requirements of reactor suppliers (not yet selected), design, procurement and construction (EPC) contractors and other major service providers Company to provide support. Support covers 13 areas, from permit approval to start-up and commissioning of crews. PGE EJ1 is a company formed by Polish Energy Group (PGE) to construct and operate nuclear power plants. According to the PGE EJ1 equity allocation agreement reached by four state-owned companies in Poland in 2013, the Boeing Group will own 170% of the equity of PGE EJ and the other three companies TPE Power Company, Enea
High-spin yrast structures of even-even superheavy nuclei254-258Rf are investigated by means of total Routhian-surface approach in three-dimensional(β2, γ, β
随着科技的飞速发展,多模态教学模式势头十分迅猛。因此,提出实施多模态商务英语教学的几点建议,以培育出既掌握专业知识又熟悉具体实践的全方位商务人才。 With the rapid
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To investigate the transformation behavior of TRIP steel retained austenite under cyclic load, cyclic V-bending deformation of low carbon Si-Mn TRIP600 was stud
A method to estimate the efficiency of event start time determination at BESIII is developed.This method estimates the efficiency at the event level by combinin
摘 要:现代社会对英语口语教学的要求越来越高,但目前职校英语口语面临着口语教学课时少,缺乏语言环境,学生基础差等诸多问题。本文旨在从英语口语的教学现状入手,创造良好的课堂氛围,开展形式多样的课外活动,以提高职校学生英语口语的水平。  关键词:职业学校;英语口语教学;现状;对策  一、目前中职英语口语教学的现状  1.中职学校的英语口语课时少。大部分的英语口语教学都是在常规英语课中一带而过。比如,学
目的研究中西医结合治疗卵巢早衰的临床效果。方法 100例卵巢早衰患者,随机分为观察组和对照组,各50例。对照组患者进行人工周期激素治疗,观察组患者在对照组的基础上结合中
A plastic scintillation detector was used to measure the yield of deuterium-deuterium(DD) neutrons or deuterium-tritium(DT) neutrons. Collisions of fast neutron