十年创业路 十年就业情 记新乡市平原商场党委书记、董事长朱来喜

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朱来喜,现任新乡市总商会副会长、新乡市平原商场有限责任公司党委书记、董事长、总经理,新乡市第十一届人大代表。多次被评为省、市劳动模范、先进工作者、优秀共产党员、中国优秀企业家,荣获“新中国60年中华企业丰碑人物”及新乡市“践行新乡城市精神十大图强人物”、新乡市“十大精英”等多项殊荣。河南新乡市平原商场是有着辉煌历史,光荣传统的老字号企业。1957年开业以来,代代员工艰苦创业,辛勤耕耘,企业由小变大,由弱变强,时至今日已发展成为拥有员工3500多名,营业面积6万平方米,年销售额4亿元,集购物、餐饮、休闲、娱乐于一体的现代化商业大厦。近年来,公司先后荣获“全国百城万店创品牌活动先进企业”、“全国商业信誉企业”、“全国百家无假冒伪劣商品商场”、“全国创建和谐劳动关系模范企业”、“河南省执行物价政策法规最佳单位”、“河南省职业道德建设十佳单位”、“五一劳动奖状”、“先进基层党组织”、“维护消费者合法权益优秀服务单位”、“重合同、守信用企业”、新乡市“劳动保障诚信五星级企业”、“先进基层党组织”、“思想政治工作先进单位”等80多项荣誉称号,是新乡商界的一面旗帜。 Zhu Lai Xi, incumbent Xinxiang City Chamber of Commerce vice president, Xinxiang City Plain mall limited liability company party secretary, chairman and general manager, Xinxiang City, the eleventh deputies. Repeatedly been rated as provincial and municipal model workers, advanced workers, outstanding Communist Party members, outstanding Chinese entrepreneurs, won the “New China 60 years Chinese business monuments ” and Xinxiang City “practice the top ten cities in Xinxiang map Strong character ”, Xinxiang City “ top ten elite ”and many other awards. Xinxiang City, Henan Plain Shopping Mall is a glorious history, glorious tradition of old and famous enterprises. Since its opening in 1957, its employees have worked hard and made great efforts. From small to large enterprises, the company has grown from weak to strong. Today it has grown to a staff of more than 3,500 with a business area of ​​60,000 square meters and annual sales of 400 million yuan , Set shopping, dining, leisure and entertainment in one of the modern commercial buildings. In recent years, the company has won the title of “Advanced Enterprise in Creating Brand Activities among 100 Cities and One Million Shops in China”, “National Business Credit Enterprise”, “National 100 No Fake and Shoddy Products Mall”, “Creating Harmonious Labor Relations across the Country Model enterprise ”, “ the best units in Henan Province to implement the price policy ”, “ top ten units of professional ethics in Henan ”, “ May 1 labor awards ”, “ advanced grass-roots party organizations ”Excellent service unit to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of consumers “, ”contract and trustworthy enterprise “, Xinxiang City ”five-star enterprise of labor protection credit “, ”advanced grass-roots party organizations Political work advanced unit "more than 80 honorary titles, is a banner of Xinxiang business community.
我认为,农民土地权益得不到有效维护主要有三个方面的原因: 一是现行农村土地产权关系不明晰,没有确定到户到人的所有权份额,集体所有制说是人人有份,实则人人无份,缺乏刚性的所有
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研究了碱种类、造块加水量、碱添加量、焙烧温度、焙烧时间5个因素对钒渣焙烧块样孔隙率和钒提取率的影响.结果 表明,当焙烧条件相同时,加NaOH的焙烧块样表面有许多粒径约0.5