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从1993年开始,我国逐步加大支持个人住房消费的比重。1997年4月29日,实施《个人住房担保贷款管理试行办法》,规定个人住房担保贷款最长期限为20年,最高额为住房价格的70%。贷款包括低利率的公积金贷款和用信贷资金发放的贷款,后者的利率在同档次固定资产贷款利率的基础上下浮一个档次执行,这一措施对于住房商品化进程具有推进作用。然而,与发达国家相比,我们的住房消费信贷规模仍显得过小,远没有满足居民购房贷款的需求,差距较大。据统计,1995年底,香港个人住房抵押贷款占商业银行贷款的30%,英国为20%—25%,美国占20%—40%。我国同期个人住房抵押贷款占国有商业银行贷款余额的比重,仅1%左右,并且不足全部房地产贷款的10%。这样的贷款规模,在一定程度上抑制了市场有效需求的形成。造成这一情况的原因之一,在于缺乏对抵押贷款方式的深入研究,实行的月均还款的单一方式,很难满足不同消费者的需求。因此,探讨灵活多样的抵押贷款方式,应是目前房地产金融领域中重点研究的内容之一。 Since 1993, China has gradually increased the proportion of supporting individual housing consumption. On April 29, 1997, the Trial Measures for the Management of Personal Housing Secured Loans was implemented, which stipulated that the maximum term for personal housing secured loans was 20 years and the maximum amount was 70% of the housing price. Loans include low-interest-backed provident fund loans and loans issued with credit funds, the latter’s interest rate being levied on a grade-by-grade basis on the same basis as fixed-asset lending rates, a move that has a catalytic effect on the commercialization of housing. However, compared with the developed countries, our housing consumer credit scale is still too small, far from meeting the needs of residents purchasing loans, with a big gap. According to statistics, by the end of 1995, Hong Kong’s personal housing mortgage loans accounted for 30% of commercial bank loans, the United Kingdom 20% -25%, the United States accounted for 20% -40%. In the same period, the proportion of personal housing mortgage loans in China’s total loans to state-owned commercial banks is only about 1%, and is less than 10% of the total real estate loans. The scale of such loans, to some extent, inhibited the formation of effective market demand. One of the reasons for this is the lack of an in-depth study of mortgage lending and the implementation of a one-way monthly repayments, making it difficult to meet the needs of different consumers. Therefore, to explore flexible and diverse mortgage loan should be one of the key research topics in real estate finance.
杏树采果以后,树体处于营养缺乏状态,要及时补给养分,加强管理,以促进树体健壮生长和花芽形成,确保连年丰产、稳产。 Apricot tree picking, the tree is in a state of nu
之豇30豆角系两个早熟品种杂交,经系谱选育而成。其荚型、株型、叶型近于之豇28—2,但其产量是之豇28—2的两倍以上,早熟性也大有改进。 特征特性:植株蔓生,长势偏弱,叶片小