Mapping Soil Salinity Using a Similarity-based Prediction Approach:A Case Study in Huanghe River Del

来源 :Chinese Geographical Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:suny112233
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Spatial distribution of soil salinity can be estimated based on its environmental factors because soil salinity is strongly affected and indicated by environmental factors. Different with other properties such as soil texture, soil salinity varies with short-term time. Thus, how to choose powerful environmental predictors is especially important for soil salinity. This paper presents a similarity-based prediction approach to map soil salinity and detects powerful environmental predictors for the Huanghe(Yellow) River Delta area in China. The similarity-based approach predicts the soil salinities of unsampled locations based on the environmental similarity between unsampled and sampled locations. A dataset of 92 points with salt data at depth of 30–40 cm was divided into two subsets for prediction and validation. Topographical parameters, soil textures, distances to irrigation channels and to the coastline, land surface temperature from Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer(MODIS), Normalized Difference Vegetation Indices(NDVIs) and land surface reflectance data from Landsat Thematic Mapper(TM) imagery were generated. The similarity-based prediction approach was applied on several combinations of different environmental factors. Based on three evaluation indices including the correlation coefficient(CC) between observed and predicted values, the mean absolute error and the root mean squared error we found that elevation, distance to irrigation channels, soil texture, night land surface temperature, NDVI, and land surface reflectance Band 5 are the optimal combination for mapping soil salinity at the 30–40 cm depth in the study area(with a CC value of 0.69 and a root mean squared error value of 0.38). Our results indicated that the similarity-based prediction approach could be a vital alternative to other methods for mapping soil salinity, especially for area with limited observation data and could be used to monitor soil salinity distributions in the future. Spatial distribution of soil salinity can be estimated based on its environmental factors because soil salinity is strongly affected and indicated by environmental factors. Different with other properties such as soil texture, soil salinity varies with short-term time. Thus, how to choose powerful environmental This paper presents a similarity-based prediction approach to map soil salinity and measures powerful environmental predictors for the Huanghe (Yellow) River Delta area in China. The similarity-based approach predicts the soil salinities of unsampled locations based on the environmental similarity between unsampled and sampled locations. A dataset of 92 points with salt data at depth of 30-40 cm was divided into two subsets for prediction and validation. Topographical parameters, soil textures, distances to irrigation channels and to the coastline , land surface temperature from Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MO The similarity-based prediction approach was applied on several combinations of different environmental factors. Based on three evaluation indices including the correlation (DIS), Normalized Difference Vegetation Indices (NDVIs) and land surface reflectance data from Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) imagery were generated coefficient (CC) between observed and predicted values, the mean absolute error and the root mean squared error we found that elevation, distance to irrigation channels, soil texture, night land surface temperature, NDVI, and land surface reflectance Band 5 are the optimal combination for mapping soil salinity at the 30-40 cm depth in the study area (with a CC value of 0.69 and a root mean squared error value of 0.38). Our results indicated that the similarity-based prediction approach could be a vital alternative to other methods for mapping soil salinity, especially for area with limited observation data and could be used to monitor soil salinity distributions in the futu re.
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上个世纪的美国威斯康星大学,文学爱好者们组建了两个俱乐部,一个叫争鸣者俱乐部,参加俱乐部的大学生的文学天分都不差,而且都想成为名作家。他们都坚持每周聚会。争鸣者俱乐部专门找出各自作品中的优点,给予表扬;压制者俱乐部则相反,找出各自作品的短处进行批评。  几十年过去,这两个俱乐部的成员均已走向社会创立了自己的事业,转回头去看,却出现了有趣的现象,争鸣者俱乐的成员中出了像玛乔丽·金楠·劳林斯这样一批有
摘 要:笔者自参加工作以来一直都在关注后进生的成长,让后进生有所进步一直是笔者所追求的目标。因此,笔者在教育教学的实践中正视了这些差异,想办法尽量缩小这种差距,在后进生身上注入了更多的心血,在平时的教育教学中从学生的心理角度出发,善于发现他们的长处,开发他们的潜能。  关键词:后进生转化;心理角度;例谈  中图分类号:G456 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1992-7711(2013)03-011-
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