
来源 :中国卫生事业管理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ggy353566
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农村合作医疗制度是贫困地区农民健康保障的重要手段 ,能否有效运行 ,不仅关系着贫困地区农民的健康 ,也攸关于贫困地区农村的经济发展。通过对甘肃省定西县合作医疗 1998年运行情况进行中期评估 ,结果显示 :定西县合作医疗制度运行良好 ,资金分配使用基本按方案进行。合作医疗制度的实施 ,提高了农民对卫生服务的利用 ,群众受益面较高 ,有一定的抗风险能力 ,给卫生院、村卫生室的发展带来了契机。但存在着筹资渠道单一 ,部分资金没有到位 ,少数农民的补偿也未完善落实等问题。 The rural cooperative medical system is an important means for ensuring the health of farmers in impoverished areas. Whether or not they can operate effectively is not only related to the health of farmers in poverty-stricken areas, but also to the economic development of rural areas in poverty-stricken areas. Through the mid-term assessment of the operation of the cooperative medical service in Dingxi County, Gansu Province in 1998, the results show that the Dingxi County cooperative medical system is operating well and the fund allocation and use are basically carried out according to the plan. The implementation of the cooperative medical system has increased the use of health services by farmers, benefiting a higher number of people and having a certain ability to resist risks, which has brought opportunities for the development of health centers and village clinics. However, there are problems such as a single financing channel, some funds are not in place, and the compensation for a few farmers has not been fully implemented.
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洒一江春晖,吟诵你碧波荡漾的诗行; 染一江春绿,点级你锦峰秀岭的画廊。 春江水暖,你用春的诗行滋润原野, 春意盎然,你用春的画廊展示畜丽山川。 啊,富春江,富饶的江, 你富庶
应日本民主音乐协会(简称“民音”)的邀请,我会组派中国艺术团于3月18日至4月27日访问日本,参加了由民音主办的第三届亚洲和平艺术节,并在日本四国地区进行了专场巡回演出。  由10余人组成的演员队伍分民歌、舞蹈、民乐三部分,虽规模不大,节目内容却精致活泼,富于变化,生动地展现了中华民族文化的魅力。在为期40天的行程中,艺术团在东京、大阪、名古屋、京都、神户、广岛、札幌、松山等23个城市巡回演出31
一一 ︸一 庵 ︸甘凡、口不 ,J口少 x是 x是 x来 〔 2 5 2 5 2 552 XX 一阵 5 1 1 5 11 X{X 风,去 2 21一 XX 无影 5 5 5 5 55 胸中 X一 功。 0 00 些} } j,1 ,} 旦材 旦粗 X又 x
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